Quadtab Side Effects


i want to know the side effects of quadtab.. i started taking the drug a month ago...rashes appeared similar to dermatitis.

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This drug contains Rifampicin 150 mg, INH 75 mg, pyrazinamide 400 mg, and ethambutol HCl 275 mg.

Possible side effects:
"Rifampicin: Flu-like syndrome; hematopoietic reactions; cutaneous, GI & hepatic reactions; shortness of breath; shock & renal failure. Hypersensitivity reactions. INH: Disturbances of hepatic function, convulsions, optic neuritis & atrophy, memory impairment, toxic psychosis, hepatitis & peripheral neuropathy. Pyrazinamide: Hyperuricemia. Ethambutol: Decreased visual acuity due to optic neuritis; joint pain, anaphylactoid reactions, dermatitis, pruritus, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fever, GI upset, malaise, headache, dizziness, mental confusion, disorientation, hallucinations." [1]

Do you have any other questions or information to add? Please post back if you do...

[1] http:/­/­­search?q=cache:kULwMN9YBB4J:www.mims.com.ph/­Page.aspx%3Fmenuid%3Dmng%26name%3DQuadtab%2520tab%26h%3DQuadtab%2520tab%26CTRY%3DPH+quadtab+site:mims.com.ph&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

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what is the side effect of quad tab tablet?

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i am currently under medications and im taking quadtab, after taking the pills i felt dizziness and i felt like i'm floating in air.im afraid.. should i continue taking this or should i visit my doctor again? what else the other side effects of quadtab?| I appreciate your help. thanks and god bless

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Hi Unlucky - it sounds like you're experiencing a side effect from this medication. The question is ... does the benefit from this medication outweight the side effects ? If you find it worse than your original condition then I would definitely see if your doctor can switch you to something else. Let me know how it goes ...

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before meal or after to take quadtab?

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Hi the info above is very informative though i have a question which i think you can answer. I am taking quadtab right now. and i sometimes give in to the urge of smoking. will the medication not work its magic on my current condition because im still smoking? help please..

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i visit my doctor after a month of taking quadtab, my lungs is not clear yet and i inform my doctor about the dizziness and nausea and during my monthly period i had a worse dysmenoria for the first time. he just said that its part of the side effects, now after taking the pills, i felt uneasy and i it seems that there's a noise inside my ear that really disturbing me a lot. anyone here who is also taking quadtab feels the same way? there are times also that I can't sleep properly. please help me.

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my mother is taking quadtabs nw for medication,,but she has asthma...is it still ikey to take the med?

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is that normal if the urine is turning into yellow orange or similar with that color change? is that a normal side effect?

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buenaz diaz amigo's ang amiga'z been taking quad tab for a month and yah like Mr. Unlucky, me too have the same side effect, its like im high on drugs..rofl.

And for jennellbuenaflor, yah its normal that your urine turns yellow orange as what my doctor said to me.

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i always vomit each time i ate my breakfast (took quadtab 30mins bef bf), any suggestion on the right fud to eat to prevent vomitting

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I am taking quadtab now and fortunately im on the tritab. I take this medicine 3 pcs 1 hr before breakfast. I am healing and gained weight. One side effect that I experienced is that I fel nausea after I take it and palpitations. I asked my doctor and he said it is just normal cause my stomach is adjusting so I am experiencing a form of dispepsia. He gave me anti reflux and that solved the problem

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Ask for anti reflux. I felt that too. Vomiting will instantly solve the problem but the medicine will just come out....

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The doctor said it is a good thing that our urine turns orange or red its an indication that the system accepted the medicine taht is why the meds are red to see if the meds are dissolved

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yes, that's completely normal. the coloration is due to the quadtab's contents.

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yes that's normal..I've been taking quadtab for almost a month and it happen to me too..but the doctor said to me that's normal though..

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hi my dad is 77 years old and is taking quadtab. first 4 tablets but he has loose bowel so the doctor reduced it to 3 it in different time of the day. He feels weaker than when he started taking it. He has no appetite. he has lost 10 to 15 pounds.did anyone experience the same side effect? pls let me know. also what happens when you stop taking it.

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what is the side effect of quad tab tablet

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Hi! I've been using this med for about 4 months. I already get used to its side effects and sometimes I don't mind it anymore except for convulsion. This past few months, I noticed that I gained weight, Does quadtab triggers to gain our weight????

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I'm confused, my doctor prescribed me to take 4 times a day but most people are taking it once a day 1 hr before breakfast.

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Hi! I'm taking quadtab for almost 1 month. Maybe its like for 3 weeks. But after that 3 weeks i notice little bumps all over forehead. Now its already 2 weeks since i got those bumps in my forehead and they are now turning to a pimple.

Does anyone of u experience this kind of side effevts?

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Re: jennellbuenaflor (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Yes..my mother is taking it too and her urine turns reddish.. And she's vomiting too.. I read about side effects of quadtab and it is one effect of a med contained n quadtab.. I was nervous but after reading, I learn to leave my worries behind.. U know, shes old.. And shes taking ensure gold too.. Appetite is also suppresd..another side effect of another content of quadtab..she barely eats.. I tried to give her boild egg wyts and ponkan.. And water a lot.. But we r all positive dat shell be fine soon..

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HI! I am taking the drug for almost two months now and I am experiencing itchiness all over my body that's making me feel so ill and uncomfortable. is there any way to get rid of this side effect? this itchiness affects me a lot.

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Hello! You should be taking 3 tablets daily if that's what was prescribed to you instead of taking only one tablet. The number of tablets you need to take is based on your body weight. Maa-underdose ka if isa lang instead of tatlo ang intake mo and more or less masayang lang therapy mo kapag ganun.

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just wanna ask if it is okay to use salbutamol inhailer after an hour or two after taking up 3 pcs of quadtabs ? I have a bronchial asthma and as i take these quadtabs , I am feeling the attack of my asthma .. Im having a hard time breathing especially at night .. I am not feeling this attack for a month before i was prescribed to take this med because i was traced to have a class 3 ptb .. hope u reply my querries soon .. thanks

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What happen if i take not enough dose instead of 3tablets i only take 1tablet a day..is there harmful effect to me..

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What's the reason for your rash after taking the medicine? I also have this condition by taking quadtab.

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Why you having that convolsion?how old r u?thanks

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I take quadtab 5tablets per day however i always feel that im going to be sick.. My body temperature got high and im really feel weak. Muscle pain. Cannot sleep. Help me plz. Is this normal

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Taking quadtab 13days experienced allergies discoloration of urine. Now i've seen my tongue going black Or purple what is the cause of this does i continue or stopped immediately as my new new medicine tritab arrives.

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