Prozac Has Ruined My Life


I have been on prozac for the last two and a half years and it has ruined my life. Since taking prozac I have lost my job, my home, my friends and family and almost my children. I also dropped out of uni.

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you need to be more specific... i was on zoloft for twelve years and one day it just flipped on me and I had severe depression to where I couldn't even get out of bed i just wanted to throw the sheets over my head and not move... since then I changed to prosac and it has been a miracle drug for me... i work, i have a three year old i am very productive in society... so everybody's different maybe you should try a more recently made anti-depressant... perhaps prozac is not for you. Also check into ambilify... I cant take it i had a severe reaction to it... but some people say it amplifies your current anti-depressant

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Yes, that is correct, you need to be more specific, rather than just blaming a ton of problems on the Prozac.

And, if you were experiencing problems with it, did you talk to your doctor about it? There are other medications out there, so you really didn't have to stay on it, or on any medication for that matter.


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Re: jojo (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

It amplifies it, but it doesn't amplify the good thing Prozac does.

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Prozac ruined my life. I was happily married for 11 years until I started taking Prozac to battle postpartum depression. I started becoming irresponsible with money and became extremely influenced by others. I became emotionally unbalanced. I lost all ability to see things clearly and felt like i walk in a cloudy haze. I became easily influenced by friends that were unhappy in their marriages and started believing I was unhappy because they kept telling me my husband was taking advantage of me and didn’t care. My husband traveled constantly for work so I was alone raising two small children Monday through Friday by myself. I was so lonely and lost all ability to think clearly. My depression was now masked by a constant need to please myself at any cost with never feeling any guilt. I would hire babysitter after babysitter and shop like I was a millionaire and when my husband would find the packages he would scream at me which only fed into the notion that he didn’t love me. I ended up having an affair because I believed I was unloved and abused at home.

After two affairs and doing bizarre things like buying a car for my supposed boyfriend I became unhinged and filed for divorce. I hadn’t served my husband with the papers yet and had a nervous meltdown. I was put in a mental hospital and taken off the Prozac and fessed up to my husband everything i did when I was released and he divorced me. After the Prozac was out of my system 3 months later I couldn’t believe everything I did and how I lost my brain and did things completely out of my character. I broke up my family over this medicine and if there was ever a way to sue the manufacturer I would!! I was not the same person I was before after taking this medication. Stay away from it at all cost.

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