Prodep (Top voted first)


uses & side effects

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I am suffering painc burn during urin. Before one year I am facing same problem that time doctor suggest me " Prodep" medicen. That time probelm solved. but after that it's create again. I had complete my urin test and culture but nothing found. Kindly suggest me.

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hi,am 22 year old boy now. was suffering from mental disease few years back .Actually it started at the age of 15.i started feeling much stressed by getting unwanted repeated thoughts.i failed to control them even i didn't like it. i started taking treatment 1 year later.
took different treatments but couldn't came up with good solution.
while being like tat i started taking Prodep 20 mg tablets 2 years back under the treatment of a doctor. but as i matured ,i started doing meditation and all . now i am able to control my thoughts at a good level.but my hands started vibrating these days,it feels me guilty tat others will laugh if i appear in public stages or with friends.i am trying to control it,but could n,t .it really became a bigger problem for me now. not able to be free while being with others. i thought its due to tablets, kindly suggest me Wat i have to do now??should i leave tablets ?? whether tat old disease will come again??..kindly give me suggestions and help me please

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My mother aged 80yrs no B.P. & SUGAR. Frequently says she has to urinate & back from toilet she says she is SARCED it may drip in her sari.Urology & Gynic report are negative. Please help

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