Premolute Tablet Purpose
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wat is the purpose of premolute tablets.who should use and who should not use

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i am 48 years of age and having good health till recent times but having H BP. I do not drink alcohol and smoke. Last 5 years i am doing desk Job and Family history of cardiac problem and Cardiologist Advised to take Metasarton 25 Mg for BP and Atacor 25mg and Ecosprin 150 Mg . Last 3 years i have Eric tile diffusion problem and after consulting Dr i advised to take Up Hold ( used 10 Tablets). After consulting another Dr i was Prescribed ED- SAVE tablet for ED Problem . i have used only one tablet and after 5 days i had a hart stroke and was underwent ANGIOPLAST. i was told by Cardiologist because stopping of Ecosprin is the main reason for the attack . I have not informed my Cradologist about ED Save. Pls let me know the reasons for my attack and can i use ED Save at present. Treatment just completed 3 Months Back

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Dear sir,I have four days more to get my menses but i can fell that am it save for me to take Premolute N and how Tabs should i take.
Thank you.

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