Premature Ejaculation Spray (Top voted first)


what is the best spray for premature ejaculation

9 Replies

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Promescent is a new Over the Counter, FDA approved topical spray designed to produce Longer and Better Sex by temporiarily desensitizing the penis for men suffering from Premature Ejaculation.

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I am 24 years old...suffering from P.E.. can't last long for more than 2 mins...Please suggest anything but not from the SSRI category

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I saw this post over a year ago and bought this product because of it, thanks for the post Jody. These forums can be very helpful at times.

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While kegels, contractions and tantra might work for some of you most men with serious PE cannot solve their problems through these means. If it was that easy close to 1/3 of all men would not be affected by PE. Both physiological and psychological factors play a role in PE and both aspects must often be treated. The only products on the market today that actually work in treating serious cases of PE are SSRI's and desensitizing creams or sprays. While SSRI's have been shown to work they also come along with a number of side effects that include dry mouth, stomach problems and loss of sex drive so while you may last longer you may also lose your desire to have sex. The most promising desensitizing spray (PSD502) was unfortunately denied by the FDA even though the clinical trial was successful and that it is sold abroad. After doing some research I came across a similar product to (PSD502) which is called Promescent and is a lidocaine based solution with eutectic absorption while PSD502 was a lidocaine/prilocaine solution with eutectic absorption. The product is covered under an FDA monograph and is currently undergoing clinical trials so it has medical credibility in my mind. I would suggest it to any guy out there who is looking for one of the only legitimate medical solutions to PE on the market rather than taking SSRI's.

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In childhood, a man and a woman used to abuse me. since then I used to masturbate. now I am 45. married at 21 and had a child after 12 years of marriage. I always face problem of premature ejaculation. I feel, I am not satisfying my wife fully. My penis dose not get that hard & big and can't intercourse for longer time. please guide me and suggest me a proper treatment.

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I have had the same problems are you. There are various techniques or solution to solve pe:
-mental training: try to calm down and relax prior and during sex
-physical training: try to masturbate to the point of orgasm and when you are about to ejaculate, try to control yourself by squizzing your butt and legs very hard.
-go to the doctor to talk about your problem: they may prescribe you some desensitizing spray
-if too shy to go to the doctor: find some ejaculation delay spray online. A quick google search may help you. I can recommend a product called the "Indian God Lotion" or "stud 100".

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I suffer with premature ejaculation myself and have tried a number of creams on the market but all of them seem to either make me go to "numb" or transfer to my girlfriend and cause her discomfort.
I use Promescent and I have been extremely happy with it. It's a spray rather than a cream and you are able to personalize the number of sprays to your individual needs. It's lidocaine based with an absorption molecule so it should be able to decrease the sensitivity you are experiencing. I really like the product and I believe it could help others out

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I started using PROMESCENT almost exactly on year ago after being referred by my Urologist. I had tried all the breathing techniques, rub on creams, etc... This product worked immediately, was easy to use, and most important was safe. It absorbs and then is wiped off so that my girlfriend does not even know it is involved. It is he solution that works for me.

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I am 35 years old, unmarried, I have been suffering from sever premature ejaculation. Please suggest two best suitable medicines. (One herbal and one English)

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