Pregnant And Detoxing
UpdatedI just found out I am pregnant and im an addict. I have an appointment with a dr to get detox meds which will be either subutex or suboxone but ive heard one is better than the other for when you are pregnant. Does anyone have any info to help me out please!?
2 Replies
Hi, Amber! Congrats on the pregnancy and getting help with your addiction!
As to which is better, I did some research and found out that both have been used successfully during pregnancy, though Subutex is often preferred since it doesn't contain the Naloxone that is in Suboxone, so it's one less risk to the baby.
You can find Suboxone details here.
The Naloxone is really the only difference between them.
The best thing you can do is discuss all of your concerns and any possible risks with the doctor, so they can help you make the most informed decision possible.
Is there anything else I can help with?
I am currently tapering off suboxone. I take 1 mg 3 times a day. In total I take 3 mg a day. I'm having a really hard time getting down to 2 mg. I have been told to go down .5 mg every 4 days. I really want to be off within the next 2 months. I only have a certain amount of meds. No doc no insurance and new to Florida. Any suggestions has any successfully done this. Any advise would be greatly appreciated
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