Prednisone Stops Alcohol Working?
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anyone else experienced this?

i get no effects from alcohol whilst taking prednisone

2 Replies

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thanks for the reply

yes i have read about this, people have said the drug does stop them feeling the alcohol effects. but like you said others drink 1 drink and it feels like 3

I'm only on 5mg's of pred now, and i still cannot feel the alcohol effects. its strange!

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Hello, Blaine! How are you?

That's very odd, in most cases, alcohol worsens the side effects, so someone would feel more drowsiness, dizziness and nauseous than usual. Basically each drink would affect them as if they'd had 2 and so on.

Be very careful not to push it by drinking far too much, because you may still risk alcohol poisoning.

Has anyone else experienced this effect?

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