Prednisone 10m Taper (Top voted first)


Hello everyone,can someone please tell me how can I taper of prednisone 10mg. I was giving this medication because of sinus inflammation.My order was one pill a day I only took it for 11days and I don't like the way it make me feel, I was wondering if I can just stop taking the pill and also what is the best non steroidal inflammatory medication.

3 Replies

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Hello, Kim! How are you?

You should double check with your prescriber, but usually a taper only needs to be done, if you've been taking it for 3 weeks or more, thus you should be able to just stop taking it.

What side effects did you experience? The FDA lists the typical ones from this steroid as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, fluid retention, weight gain, acne, nervousness and insomnia.

There really is no best NSAID that I can suggest, it depends on you, your overall health and what your doctor feels is safe for you to try.

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Thanks you for your reply, I did talk to my doctor and she say I can stop taking the prednisone without taper, now she has me on ibuprofen 800mg. My side effect to prednisone was nervousness,acne,and isomnia,and the fact that the pill was a steroid didn't sit well in my mind.

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Very welcome!

Yes, Ibuprofen is much less problematic and risky. Its typical side effects, according to the FDA, may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding and stomach irritation.

Are there any other questions or concerns?

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