Potassium Cl Tb 20meq Sr Mc (Top voted first)


Is it safe to crush this pill? The directions say not to crush it, but it is too big to swallow.

3 Replies

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No, it is not safe to do so. Potassium is very harsh on your gastro-intestinal system, so crushing or breaking the tablet could lead to your developing ulcers, gastritis, or other similar conditions that may be life-threatening.

The stomach pain and gastro-irritation that it causes are the most common side effects that the FDA lists for it.

Have you talked to your prescriber about this issue? If your insurance covers it, you may be able to have an IV infusion of potassium, instead of taking the tablets.

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I solved the problem by having my Dr. prescribe 10meq. If you take 2 now you would take 4. Much easier to swallow.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I had the same problem. I was supplied with the uncoated pill and it is very hard to swallow, and big. I found I could coat the pill with butter and they no longer stick to the tongue. Coated a bunch and put them in the refrigerator.

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