Poslam Ointment (Page 2) (Top voted first)


old remedy for skin rashes

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When and where was the last time that you bought Poslam? What did it cost? I can't find it for sale on the web.

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My father in law used this for everything and we came to rely on it. I have not been able to find a source over the last 20 yrs, but The Vermont Country Store carries a product called Mazon which is very similar and works fairly well.

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You can find more about Poslam's formula on page 612

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I used this ointment years ago and was told they stopped making it. Has any drug company started making this product again? It was the best!

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I don,t know where to get it but I do have a 3/4 full jar of it!

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I like the feedback, and in answer to the last question about why it needs a prescription....In California, simply the "act" of compounding (mixing two ingredients) together, even if the ingredients are otherwise OTC, it requires a prescription. If this formula/product had a large enough demand from the public then we might just get a "manufacturing license" for it. That would allow us to sell it to the public without a prescription. I will update this thread as the product becomes available. Thanks for the feedback

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I can finally say that I have the formula available with a prescription. I have duplicated the original ingredients, in the original strengths. For now, I can only supply the product to California residents. If anyone is interested, you can contact me via {edited for privacy}. Ask for Leah.

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I for one would be interested in the new Poslam if you were to start manufacturing it. Contact me at {edited for privacy} maybe that will fool the contact gatekeeper.

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I am looking for PLEXOLAN ointment not Poslam. It's a mixture of lanolin and zinc oxide and Boy does it work for skin irritation! It was last sold by Alvin Last Inc. but they stopped in 1997, I believe. I think Smith & Nephew Roylan had a comperable product, but they too have stopped selling it. I have used it for years as have my children and we are running out of our stockpile. The diaper rash products on the market are NOT the same -- trust me we have tried them all! If anyone knows where we can get some, We'll love you forever!!!!

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Bethany -
That is wonderful news! Please let us know when, where, and how.

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Re: Susieboots (# 65) Expand Referenced Message

I have been searching for Plexolan for a few many years!! Stuff was magic!! I don't believe that it had a menthol smell. My family & I liked the the scent. I would put this on my youngest cheeks & her thumb, due to her thumb sucking. Winters would rash & shafe. By next morning sooo cleared up. I was introduced to Plexolan for my girls from a wiser elder woman? As I too introduced family & friends of this magic cream! Its a shame its not made anymore. Haven't been able to purchase any tubes for 14+ yrs! As that elder wiser woman 1st expressed some of the uses of Plexolan. 1 was, even when her littles cried over a tummy ache, she would rub some on their lil bellies? Plexolan is not forgotten, But sure is missed!

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Thank you Doug for the Poslam info. I had the address for Emergency Lab also along with the ingredients but not the recipe Thanks!!!!

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I too am looking for Poslam Ointment.It was wonderful for fever blisters and acne. Any suggestions anyone?

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i too am looking for poslam salve, my grandfather used it and said it is the best. my children have skin problems and my grandfather wants to obtain some also. i have come to dead ends when looking for this product. hopefully the recipe will work. thanks.

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my jar of poslam says Alvin Last INC - Dobbs, Ferry , NY 10522-0024 : here is the contact info
Alvin Last, Inc.
Noel Stamps
19 Babcock Place
Yonkers NY 10701 USA
Fax: 914-376-1000
I'm calling them 2morrow .. this is the BEST cream let's bring it back asap

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Hi everyone: was cleaning out some of my mom things at her house and found 2 old bottles of poslam unused. What a treasure find! I love this stuff and use it for eczema, as well for skin infections.

The ingredients on it say: Tar Distillate,Sulfur,Salicyclic Acid, Phenol.35%, Zinc Oxide,Menthol, Lanolin. These two bottles were created by Emergency Laboratories in Jersey City, New Jersey, and I think they are from the late 60's or early 70's. I have always thought how great it would be if some company would start making this product again.. Any investors?? :)

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I'm thinking maybe a compounding pharmacy?!?

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ask your pharmacist to look up and make it for you.

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I too would like to find Poslam. It was great, even though I do remember it originally as a grey, stinky ointment later improved to a skin color with less odor. Vermont Country Store does not seem to have the Mazon product you mentioned. I've emailed them to suggest they try to reproduce Poslam!

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Here is a response from the Vermont Country Store that tries to carry many "old-time" items:

Dear Ms. Carty,
Thank you for your email.
I would be happy to put in the suggestion for you. But to make this even quicker are more readily available. I suggest you and anyone else interested in this product fill out our suggestion link. This way our product department will know there is a demand for it. Here is the link below. Share as much as possible.


Hope you and yours have a wonderful New Year.

Thanks again for your suggestion,

Jessi T.

Vermont Country Store Customer Service =======

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