Poslam Ointment (Page 3) (Top voted first)


old remedy for skin rashes

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I found an old jar that I have had for over 35 years Poslam. The jar has a very small amount of the ointment left. It even has a number under the word POSLAM C-55793 Unfortunately part of the label is missing. The bottom does say Emergency Larorat____________(torn part) 6,N.J, U.S.A. The ingredients are also partially missing. Tar Distillate, Sulfur, Salicylic acid, Phen________(torn part) Menthol, Lanolin. "We hope you will be pleased__________color, and odor of Poslam ointment. (The color is tan and smells strong) the side says None genuine without the facsimile signature. Emergency Laboratories is in cursive. This ointment is really the "cure" for severe skin rashes, acne, fungus, etc. PLEASE if anyone knows the exact measurements or how to make it I will gladly try a compounding RX to try to duplicate it. TY

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Maybe there needs to be acampaign to resurrect Poslam. Because Eczema, Acne and many of the modern skin afflicions do not have anything like Poslam today. If people knew it was available it would be a top seller for skin disorders.

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How wld we do this? I wld b more than willing to participate. I have been missing this product for 35+ yrs!

Does anyone know if a compounding pharmacy can MAKE the stuff?

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At this time, I do not quite know. But, If everyone who wants Poslam back starts Checking out the diffrent Venues, we might come upon something.

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There was a really old Post in this stream -- more than a year ago, mayb? -- that listed the ingredients of Pislam, in percentages. Do u by any chance have access to that info? I have used 5 compounding pharmacies in the DC Metro area (as well as one in WV) & wld b willing to talk w them abt attempting to compound the stuff. It was OTC then, so I doubt a doctor's order wld b needed.

Let me know?

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On the top of the jar it says Poslam C-55793 by Emergency Labortories. The ingredients are:Tar distillate, Zinc Oxide 13.3%,Sulpjur0.5%, Salicylic Acid 1.65%, Menthol 0.6%,Phenol 0.35%, and Lanolin 26%.It was a flesh colored skin ointment I remember in the 50's and 60's ,sometimes we found little pieces of Tar.FPZ

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Excellent! Very helpful. I will keep u in the loop.

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Any luck with compounding it. I used some of my old stash tonight. I'm down to the last small jar. I swear it's gotta be 20-30 years old and still works great!

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My father used it in the 50's for cold sores. He applied in the morning and it disappeared in a few hours. I used it in my teens for acne, it worked wonders.
I had a small tin can or jar of it some time ago and had the local drugs store make it for me, however until now I lost the forumla...not that it has appeared here I am going to have it made up again as all of you can do!!

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Formula, pls?

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I am a pharmacist and own a compounding pharmacy. I am in the process of duplicating the formula. In California (where my pharmacy is located), all compounds requires a doctors prescription. I am curious, for those wanting Poslam... are you willing to get a prescription from your doctor in order to obtain the compound? Just curious because I want to make it but if it requires a prescription, I wonder if folks would be willing to go the "extra" step to get it. I love the challenge but do not want to order the chemicals and make the compound just for my own enjoyment :) any thoughts would be appreciated

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Count me in

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I do think that Poslam was a great ointment and I for one would get the prescription for our family and friends to use.
I had it made for me at an Oakland drug store some years ago. It is worth it !
I understand that things have changed, but it was over the counter throughout the 40's and 50's. My father always had it in our medicine chest. He used it for cold sores, he put it on in the morning and was clear in the afternoon. I used it for acne..it worked.

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Of *course* wld b willing to get script...but am curious abt needing one. It was OTC, wasn't it? *What* chemical wld req a script?!?

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It looks like there are issues getting messages to me regarding poslam ointment. my contact information is {edited for privacy}.

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Thanks for the ingredients list. We found an ointment on amazon and it seems to be working almost as well as poslum. Yea!

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Joanne, what product did you find? Glad to know something like it exists still.

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The product we found is: MG217 Psoriasis - coal tar formula - multi-symptom ointment. We purchased it from Amazon. My mother says it is healing the same as poslum for her.

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My comment is under DUKE just above yours. Yes, I'm interested in getting this ointment for me, my grandchildren and friends. I really believe that there isn't a better product on the market today. I did get a prescription from my doctor today
October 2nd they sent in into CVS, they said that they could not fill it in the US !!
What do you think we might be able to do??

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