Please Help: Need Answers To Get Off Dilaudid (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I have been taking 3 to 4 8mg (24-32mgs) Dilaudid pills at 1 time usually around 3:00pm everyday for about 2 1/2 years now for back and nerve damage and would like to know the best way, medication, and dosage to get off this drug, also how long and how bad I will feel detoxing. The only time I have energy and feel good is the 2 or 3 hours after taking the drugs. Every muscle and bone in my body aches like I have a severe case of arthritis , i'm sleepy-but can't sleep an entire night, get a runny nose, yawn constantly and tired. I just want to feel normal again. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. 50

71 Replies (4 Pages)

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I am in the same shape as you I am 61 and the pain has kicked my butt, now I have no one to get it from. I have thought about getting from a no script needed place online but to scared I will get robbed. what are you doing to get your meds, have you tried any online?

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IT IS POSSIBLE!!! Our brains are the most powerful tools we have. We can make ourselves believe in anything. Just keep repeating all through out the day, "I AM FINE, I AM HAPPY, I LOVE MYSELF". When we are born, we are given a clean canvas, and what ever our parents expose us to is what we know. And that can be changed. You have the power to put anything you want in it. I know, as I've had a horrible child hood, but I look in the mirror and say "I love myself, I love myself" and eventually, your brain will start to believe it, and therefor "you" will believe it. This technique does work!!! You've got nothing to loose in trying it. :-) As you start to love yourself, getting off these crazy man made hell pills will become easier. Pleases don't get me wrong, it is HARD, and at first you will feel like s***. But it does get easier and easier. Just don't give in to these hell pills. You are stronger!!

I am in the process of getting off Hydromorphone. I was taking (abusing) 94 mg. per day, and am happy to say, that after 4 weeks, I am down to 16 mg. I started weaning off slowly. (I've tried going cold turkey, but all I did was sleep-for 5 days, and felt like suicide, so DO NOT ATTEMPT to go cold turkey) Just do it slowly, and heck, if you don't feel good stay on a dose that lets you function, without suffering, for a while longer. Listen to your body, and do it slowly. Does NOT matter how long it takes. It CAN be done!!! Take, glucosamine for joint pain, take Echinacea, vit. C, vitamin B complex, and drink lots and lots of freshly squeezed lemon juice. It will give you energy and also cleans out your body of all the hell pills.

My thoughts and prayers are with each and every single one of you battling with pain pill addiction. :-)

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She doesn't need counseling because she said she needs them to get through the day. Most likely she does so she doesn't get sick. Why would she need counseling for that???... Although counseling would help with the addiction!!!...

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I wish someone would tell both of us. I was taking 8mg dilaudid, 6 times a day for 2 yrs and then my dr just stopped giving it to me. I feel like im dying, dizzy,lightheaded, diareah, sneezibg, watery eyes,runny nose, all over body pain, migraines. I feel like ive been hit by a dr tried norco 10,3xs/ day. Not even helping in the slightest bit. Please, somebody help me.

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Hey... 50!.. I am 52 and have been taking dilaudid for 10 years now for chronic pain, I sympathize completely with all your symptoms ... Even rolling over in bed st night hurts never mind getting mobile in the morning ... I am scared to death of this drug .. My doc weaned me off about a year ago but was able to find it elsewhere but it is burying me financially not to mention physically ... I know the gut wrenching pain of not having it. I had to go 6 days without once and I nearly died ... Well not really but felt like it ... I am scared to come off but there are so many reasons to do so ! ... I wish my doc had said no to me on this one 10 years ago ... Had I known where I would end up NEVER would have taken this s*** I am taking about 6 4 mg tabs a day up from one a day that the doc was giving me ... So I'm in a bad place too it's. Is ting me nearly 50.00 a day! ... I work only to pay for my habits. I will say also that I have been taking them for over 5 years ...... I am constantly depressed and of course family wants to understand but doesn't.. I like most in my position feel very alone and fearful of the future. I wish I had the answer to your problem but I can't even get myself on track ... I just don't have the strength ... I am living with my in-laws who both have major health problems as I can't afire a place of my own ... It's just killing me in every way. I know there is NO easy way I just don't know when or how to step up and fix my life ??

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I know the feeling all too well and God bless you. Anyone who has never felt the withdrawal sickness will feel alot different about dependency if they do

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Oh do I feel for you. I wish I could do the same! My dose is less but I am suffering the identical affects. My scripts run out before their due date and I am in withdrawals when I get the next one filled. I hate being a slave to the pills but they are what keep me able to work and function normally. That said - they only achieve just that - "normality". Theres no uphoria like abuses get you. Just normality. My psoriatic arthritis in back, neck, & knees were the reason I was first scripted Dilaudid. Other pain killers always gave me nausea so Dilaudid was perfect. In better times I gradually weaned my doses down, thinking I would be off of it. But then pain punch-through caused me to go back to original doses. I also suffered two kidney stone attacks that led to lithotripsy surgery over the years which also fooled me into re-upping my addiction at times. Now if I dont get my pill, my attitude, energy level, and alertness are first to go. I yawn out of control and have supplemented caffine pills at times to try to extend my abolity to work. After those side affects come the real bad ones. Irritability, depression, headache, nausea, and flu symptoms in addition to body aches and pains that get severe as time passes. No sleep, and the host of side affects all piling up to be withdrawal can all be ersed in a moment - simply by taking another 4-8 mg. Its horrible to be so enslaved. But I fear telling my Dr just how bad it is - I need them to continue working as I am not of retirement age. Each month when I see the bottle is running empty I live in fear of those last days. The pharmacy will not refill early and it is a scary awful thought - running out. I dont have the means or leave to seek a rehab facility. But I wish there was a private way of getting help - if there is any. I am so sorry what you are going through. I know its little or no help to you but I wanted to say you arent alone.

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You might want to look into adddiction treatment with Suboxone, you can check their website for doctors in your area. Click Here

Counseling would probably also help you, since you feel you need them to get through the day,

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To Willow;
You sound very sweet and like someone who really DOES want to come off of them. Most people are very empathetic with others when they are really honest and forthright. If you really want to come off of them, you have to find the courage to ask for help and understanding. I know what that feels like because you are afriad they will treat you like a criminal. Honesty is best policy. Do you have medical insurance? Find out what they cover and make a plan. It will only get worse and you sound like a very good sweet person who deserves a great life free of addiction.

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I am on 10 to 12 pills a day and it is hard to come off of them .Well My boyfriend did'nt know that I was a needle user until he found one in my kitchen floor, But He has never done or been around someone that users so this was new to him He is still with me and he is tryin to help me but don't know how , I have tryed to quiet so much. It is not funny .I have tryed the Methdone and it works but I justs got tried of drive to Nashville every day .But you don't ever look at that I was having to drive to Nashville to go and get them Dilaudid everyday ,.And got tried of doing that .So I am want to justs lay in my bed and go cooled turkey off of them .Someone that has never done them it hard for them to understand what I am going throw. My kids are there for me but they do not like seeing me like this So I was going to try this Suboxdone I hope it works .This is my last chances and I hope it works.Let god be on my side and get this DEIVL OFF OF MY BACK

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I have been on Dilaudid for 2 years for spinal cord injury and nerve damage. It was a god send to me because of the intense pain that it seemed to just take away and give me a new life. The most i was on was 8 mg x 4 times per day. Now after a spinal fusion, the drs want me off the meds and made me sign a waver stating I would follow their tapering program which I am. It is very hard though. I have been given robaxin inbetween and down to 1 mg dilaudid times 2 per day.At night I feel edgy and weird like I have to move. I have nightmares. I found some old percostat and cut that up to lessen the out of control feelings. My dr does not really understand nor empathize, nor husband understand. I feel so alone and depressed. Is is normal to just want to curl up in a ball and sleep.My skin feels weird and body aches all over. I cannot tell what is real pain or what is withdrawl pain. The drs say that I will have some pain forever given my spinal cord injury, cauda equina syndrome. I am at end of rope and very sad. I do not know what to do. We have structured insurance that only has limited access to pain management. They are making me feel like a drug addict when this all happened so innocently. Now I feel doomed. Also it feels like clothes even hurt my body.Anyone else feel this way? What is best way to proceed. I have 11 pills left which I cut up, then thats it.I feel like I don't know if I can bear it. How long does the withdrawl last? Can I just sleep through it someway? Also, I find myself drinking to easy the uneasy and bone/muscle pains.
advise please

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