Please Help: Need Answers To Get Off Dilaudid (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I have been taking 3 to 4 8mg (24-32mgs) Dilaudid pills at 1 time usually around 3:00pm everyday for about 2 1/2 years now for back and nerve damage and would like to know the best way, medication, and dosage to get off this drug, also how long and how bad I will feel detoxing. The only time I have energy and feel good is the 2 or 3 hours after taking the drugs. Every muscle and bone in my body aches like I have a severe case of arthritis , i'm sleepy-but can't sleep an entire night, get a runny nose, yawn constantly and tired. I just want to feel normal again. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. 50

71 Replies (4 Pages)

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Suboxin is now available at your local MD's office. It is Buphenorphine, which is both an agonist, and it contains Naltrexone, which is an antagonist. It's not like a methadone maintenance clinic, but rathe you are "induced" at a certified MD who does this and gradyally you taper off. NO WITHDRAWL EFFECTS AND NO WAY TO CHEAT.

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I've been on daulidid 8 mg. 5 xs a day since they screwed up the OxyContin , it does nothing now! I use to take 3 a day & was out of pain . Now with all these stories about daulidid , Ive been on them (5) a day Im scared to try & get off & how do I deal with the pain of my rt. leg at the knee to ankle ( I tore the muscle out of place, it's in front of my lower leg & sticks out w used & had 7 fractures fr. Knee to ankle .Also yrs. b4 had a c4-6 fusion with my hip bone that didnt work & when they put dye in my spine , they messed up my lower back Bad! ! I'm scared to try to get off daulidid ? I use to be on fentanyl patches & percs till they changed all the pain meds ! Boo to the DEA for Real Pain patients !!

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I'm curious as what you are doing at present time. It's difficult cause if you are in pain that's no way to live either. I been on methadone for 10 years. My dose is 36 from 100. Hoping to be free of it one day. But I have not felt any pain like in the past after back surgery. If I have pain then I think I'll just stay on it cause I hate pain....

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Go to the doctor and get some med's from him, it will help.
colonidin, and get some sleeping pills ambiem, will help. it will suck, but you can do it. and you will be taking a 65 pound dump, that will kill you butt. and your going to want to rip off your skin. get the sleeping pills, it's the most important thing you can do. And a hot bath helps to. i just found out i have hep-c and a Bicuspid Aortic Valve that i need replaced in my heart, today from the doctor. and i have only did iv drugs for two weeks. it's been a bad day for me. I hope tomorrow is better.

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try getting off suboxone, it's just as bad as heroin when it comes to W/D.

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Sandra I would like to know more about how you tapered yourself off the dilaudid

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I also have a rare condition. I have holes in my kidneys and pass 15- 20 kidney stones a month. I have been on pain meds 10 years. started with vicodin then percs then blues that I could never fill cause they were nowhere to be found. So they switched me to the Ds and methadone then switched the methadone because oh you can definately find the Ds and added nucynta because I could get those also. I have had my scripts for 2 weeks because now noone has the Ds and I have yet to even try the nucynta because the scripts have to stay together. I am not only dying from the kidney stone pain but also from the withdraws of not having my meds unless i get from friends. I am dying here, I don't have a clue what to do and why this is happening to me.

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You are a drug addict plain and simple. 1200 mg morphine?? Wtf?? Ard u kidding me??

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You are a drug addict plain and simple. 200 mg morphine?? Wtf?? Ard u kidding me??

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First off, ANY one who is suffering because they are under the supervision who does not understand addiction or how to treat people who have a history of addiction who ALSO have serious and very real pain MUST FIND A NEW DOCTOR RIGHT THIS MINUTE. There many excellent,caring doctors, who trust patients who tell them the truth and, above all, understand Pain Management AND Addicition Management. At the very least, anyone should be able to receive instructions for a reasonable and not completely disabling tapering from any addictive drug from a good doctor, and along with that there are many helpful, non addictive, and downright amazing drugs that help with withdrawals (Clonadine (to name one - and I did not say "clonazapam" -- which is a benzo and more like taking a short acting valium or xanax --- probably NOT the way you want to go unless you are carefully monitored on and off that again through your withdrawal. There are other many options...find a pain clinic and they can work with you if your'e an addict, and work with you if you're not an addict. Then of course there are docs and clinics who work with methadone and Suboxone, too...if you're looking for something to stay with for a while. If you take the time to find these docs, and they are not hard to find right here on the internet, and are HONEST with them - know what kind of help you're really looking it REALLY short term detox or are you looking to be on maintenence for a while? You have to know the truth for yourself before you can tell think about what you really want, pray about it if you have that kind of connection to a Higher Power in your life, and then start talking to a doctor who you can FEEL is pulling for you. It's a wonderful feeling in a world where addicts get a bad rap, even by people who don't want to think of us badly, it's a hard discrimination to get over. Best to you all and if you want help you will find it...there is financial help, all kinds...but you have to get moving, and speaking your truth. peace, right?

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Welcome to your living hell ! ! ! Buwahaha ! ! !

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I just got off of delaudid and have been clean for 63 days... I had to go to a medical Detox cuz i cldt do it myself...i also go to alot of support life is looking so much brighter....good luck

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Hello, I have been reading along as you were looking for help and I have to say I am very empresed and proud for you to have beaten that battle of addiction.
I hope your still on the right side of the road and have not fallen back on the wrong side.
I would like to know how your sleeping and how long was it before you was able to sleep completely through the night?
Thanks and again congrats on beating this.

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Spread your doses out the runny nose and yawns from withdrawl

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I am in a very similar situation i take 10-12 dilaudid's a day. I have gone to 3 rehabs last year and the devil just keeps taking me back to that life style. I know what i need to do is first stop but thats my problem. I normally take suboxone but im still sick as a dog when I take it and I need to work and have kids to care too. I know whoevers reading this thinks im a pos mom and your right thats why im trying to get off. Did the subs work for you and how much did you have to do and did you feel sick, like cant get out bed sick? I was thinking of trying methadone 10mg this time. How many would i have to take to be able to function and get through my day and is it a good idea? thanks for letting me babylon I just have so many questions and nobody to talk about this stuff too.

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Thanks getting ready to try to come off dilaudids. Have been on them most of my life. I'm 54. Scared to death. Have liver disease taken Pegasus or would be dead. Sick of being sick. Take probably 15 to20 a day. Then run out to soon. And sick and scared again. Looking into doing at home, am worried about seizures,coma, and dying. But totally miserable this way. Wish me luck. And a few prayers wouldn't hurt. Thanks. Cat dancing

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2 weeks later than you. 44 yrs old and had Crohn's for 15 years at least (finally diagnosed in Florida when my intestines literally split open. 4 baseball size abscesses which had been draining... They had to take me apart and put me back inside. =)). Nerve damage to my abdomen, immediately put on Humira for Crohn's (Humira has f***ed my life but saved it as well). Been on every painkiller for quickly degenerating joints, spine and muscle fiber and finally settled on hydromorphone. Baaaad idea. Now, years later, I told my gp to give me marijuana or I'd leave. We settled on Sativex right now (which I believe is still in trial phase 3 in the US). Never have done any type of non-prescribed drug, so the first doses have really messed with me: very dizzy, locked to my bed, alone in my own head, but with withdrawal symptoms that are bearable. I'll be damned if I'm going to let this best me after the hydromorphone contin (slow release dialaudid) wrecked me for a month. It'll be out of my system and the rest is mental. But, if people are honestly giving quitting a solid try, and are being given a tapering schedule by their doctor and are still having those horrid body pains, headaches, nausea, diarrhea and those awful freak out pains in you legs that make you want, need, to run in yor bed, I would honestly explore medical marjuana that will just zone you out for the duration of the hard times. Personally, if I knew it worked even this well, at this tiny dose, I would have gladly called myself a pothead years ago. I look forward to getting through this week of hell and getting onto real medical marijuana called Green Crack which takes your body to no pain land and keeps your mind sharp during the day. My guts are working for the first time in years, just after 3 days off, and I'm hoping for some type of panacea. Hoping you all get better soon.

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spread your dosing out over the day dont just take it all at once, also lyrica helps with the withdrawals your nose will still run etc but you wont be kicking yourself with your own feet.

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Hello! I really could use some help. First of all, I insufflate 16mg of dilaudid a day. Second, I am on a 50microgram fentanyl patch. This all started so innocently when I had a tooth ache, and my friend offers me a dilaudid for the pain. I loved the feeling, and my tolerance grew before my eyes. If I didn't have any, I started to cry, had to go to the bathroom, was very sore all over my body, and I was sweating. Luckily, I got a hold of my "friend," who told me I was addicted, and gave me more to take away the horrible side effects of not having any. Then, he introduced me to fentanyl, and claimed its better for me to wear this patch, so I wouldn't become "sick" so easily and quickly. I have to change it every three days, or all hell breaks loose again. (Crying, soreness...etc). I have been on this stuff for three years! I desperately need to get off of it! I have to see him everyday, and he keeps me supplied. Sometimes he gives me morphine if no dilaudid is available (which is rare.) I feel like I have a ball and chain around my leg, and a monkey on my back. I do not feel high from this anymore. I just need to get off discreetly. I know I could go to detox, but how long would that take? Could I do it myself? Please help! I want my life and freedom back! Thanks.

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Hello I just wanted to tell you, I know your Hell, as I have been there. I have taken dilaudid every 4 hours around the clock for 7 years now. In April my Pain management clinic dropped me because they could not accept Medicaid (even though they had accepted it for 4 years) They gave me no info on how to taper and every clinic they said would help me. turned me away cold. They all told me there is no one in town who will treat you with dilaudid like your dr did. I have been to 36 specialist and tried every treatment they suggested and found nothing that helped me with my constant migraines until dilaudid. I am a 45 year old woman who has never done recreational drugs, hell I have never even been drunk, but now everyone thinks I am a hardcore drug addict. So anyways what I came on here to tell you is... As of April (3 months ago) I was taking 39 mg of dilaudid daily.(6 mg every 4 hours +) and I have been doing a slow taper on my own. I try to take one mg less a week, at least. but do more if I can. I have to be careful because a few times I have moved to fats or went more then 5 hours without a dose and I am miserable. I am now down to 10 mg daily!!!! Almost what I was taking every 4 hours in April! It is uncomfortable but not terrible most of the time. I just tell myself I can go back up 1 mg every hour if I feel awful and usually by the end of the hour my resolve has come back. I took no more the 15 mg daily last month so I am consistently dropping my dose. I am not taking any supplemental drugs because I don't want to have to wean off any other meds. I know people will say you cant do it on your own but if you go really slow you may be able to do it all on your own. best of luck to you!

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