Please Help Find Pain Dr.
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I am in the Covington la. northshore of new Orleans. I have unrelenting RA and sciatica because of spinal stenosis. I have been on an antiinflamatory and Norco 5 a day for over a yr. my orthopedic says I have to go to pain management. I don't want shots in my spine. does anyone know of a pain dr. in this area who can treat these conditions with opiates? I sleep maybe 3 hrs a day, neverat night because the RA is too painful. constant panic attacks!
5 Replies
please help me find a dr ths y will perscribe me my regular meds 120mgs daily and 105 roxies 30mg I'm out and I was supposev to grt my prescription today but my Dr cs by write narcotics as of now in I'm scared I've been on methodone for 10 yesrs
Try Dr. Metoyer in Slidelll. He is a pain management doc. He comes to Lake Charles every month and fills my Norco 10mg. I started at 5mg and he never gave me a problem bumping me up.
Need doctor who will fill 150 Roxie's a month
I had an mri for the spinel stenosis and a rheumatologist diagnosis 13 yrs ago for the RA. that's why the orthopedic prescribed the Norco , he would not have given it to me for 1,1/2 yrs. if he didn't believe I had serious pain issues. The RA pain has progressed a lot over 13 yrs and my shoulder froze completely up for the THIRD TIME! I had to quit working 7 yrs. ago because the pain from the sciatica was unbearable. I have just stayed in bed most of the time to control the pain, that was easier than trying to find a pain dr. no one wants to help and you are treated like a criminal because you have chronic pain. if anyone thinks folks who have chronic pain like taking pain meds, being miserable in pain all the time they should walk a day in my shoes and see what it is like. when I am out of my pain meds in 3 weeks I will have to buy a wheelchair because the pain standing up is just too much.
There is no way of knowing how a dr will treat you until you've seen them a few times. If you call and ask if a dr only uses pain meds, you will be told no because thatis a red flag for drug seeking behavior. Have you seen a Rheumatoligist for the RA ? Have you seen a Neurologist for an EMG for the sciatica ? You will need a copy of your medical records from your previous dr. Usually your new dr can get these. Put your city, state and pain management in your search bar. Also ask your insurance company for the pain management drs that accept your insurance.
Norco will be going from a Schedule III to a Schedule II later on this year. That meams no refills, it can't be called in, you must have a new written rx each time and you must see your dr at least every 90 days.
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