Pink Capsule Dan 5003
UpdatedI found a bottle of benadryl 50mg filled with little pink capsules that said DAN 5003 on both sides. They were pink. I don't think they were benadryl, because I found them with other pill bottles that did not contain what the label said.
2 Replies
Hi Skuba,
The closest match I've been able to find is a pink capsule shaped pill with the imprint DAN 3120 DAN 3120. This pill contains Clindamycin (300 mg). Clindamycin is a lincosamide antibiotic. It is usually used to treat infections with anaerobic bacteria but can also be used to treat some protozoal diseases, such as malaria. It is manufactured by Watson Pharmaceuticals and has a National Drug Code of 00591-3120.
Since the pill you have and the pill I've found are similar, It's possible that the pill you have is also manufactured by Watson Pharmaceuticals.
I hope this helps!
I swallowed 4 of them (stupid, I know) and I felt this odd sedative buzz. It also gave me very poor muscle control, and I had a hard time walking around without falling over. SO, I don't think its an antibiotic. i should also mention that the date on the benadryl bottle says 1984.
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