Pill With A On One Side And 02 On The Other Round
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I found a round peach colored pill with A on one side and 02 on the other could you tell me what it is?

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The tablet with the A on one side and 02 on the other that is a pink color contains 20mgs of Simvastatin, which is most commonly used to help lower cholesterol.

It may cause side effects, such as nausea, headache, dizziness and joint/muscle aches.

Learn more Simvastatin details here.

I am not, however, finding anything on the other tablet. I know of a dark red one with a marking like that, but not a peach one.

Does anyone else recognize it?

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What is a round peach colored, or pinkish colored pill, with A on one side and 02 on the other side?

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peach coloured pill with either 1-2 or i-2 inscribed

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