Pill With 230 On One Side And A Wierd Symbol On Back (Page 2) (Top voted first)
Updatedi found this in my sons room and want to know what it is its round white with 230 on one side and a funny shape on back
I have had my rounds with my two kids who are now 17 & 19. I dont think sending them away for months is appropriate for a 1st offense. Definitely DO NOT approach the dealer, s***! No brains on Mike eh? I have a way of parenting that most people dont agree with. But today neither one of my kids are into heavy drugs. Marijuana is their DOC, which I pat myself on the back for. Dont get me wrong, they could probably tell you about most drugs, they just dont participate. My method was to always be THE person they could trust. Sit down and explain to your child the effects of the drug, offer literature, etc. let them make their own mistakes so they learn 1st hand and never forget. But make sure they trust you enough to turn to you if need be. Because no one cares and loves them the way you as a parent does.
A good parent, who cares about their child and who suspects a problem. Has every right to go thru their childs room to gind out if they are taking drugs and nip it in the bud before theres a serious problem or her child ends up dead! How dare you tell her to stay out of HER childs room.
The "state" pays for 6-8 month inpatient program??? Are you seriously that dumb?? I'm going to take a shot in the dark here & assume you must have the luxury of never having to decide between paying for your child to play a sport that they love or keeping the apartment roof over your families head.
Hey genius pink you wrote: "She took a xanax/ benzo and never were up. I am assuming you meant never WOKE up. Benzodiazepines are virtually impossible to overdose when taken by themselves and is by and large the reason they replaced barbiturates as the sedative of choice by our medical system. It is when i****s mix a xanax with an opioid and/or alcohol that turns a fun Friday night treat into the 6ft sleep. Get a clue before posting, no adult dies from taking one xanax (barring some underlying medical condition).
Another hint (jmac) searching your child's room is NOT going to curb any abuse. AND-(there their they're) are not interchangeable. If you want someone to take you seriously on parenting skills or this so called 'epidemic' learn the difference and learning how to spell goes a long way as well. IF there IS an epidemic, it is an epidemic of stupidity and lack of accountability. Everybody wants to blame someone or something for everything bad that happens. Teens are inquisitive. Many who have been 'brought up right' try drugs, either Rx or illicit. Drugs are an inanimate object that can do no harm, just like a gun, they kill no one, people kill people and its not the doctor's fault or the manufacturer's fault when your kid goes out and washes down 4 or 5 pills w/ a six pack of Budweiser. When brainwashed fools gladly give away our Constitutional rights to fight a never ending war on 'drugs' which is really a war on the civilian population of this once great country. Check out the Bill of Rights some time instead of Dancing with Stars or some sensationalized report on MSNBC.
Next? Search out Oregon vs DEA, NSA sending YOUR PRIVATE MEDICAL INFORMATION to the DEA then Homeland Security investigating 'pill mills' in FL. No knock raids, which though designed for safety by catching residents off guard (as opposed to presenting a LEGIT warrant) end with dead homeowners and/or dogs who might not even be the original targets as a surprisingly high amount of these raids go to the wrong address. Even w/ the right address using someone's pissed off neighbor's creative imagination as probable cause is ridiculous.Ask yourself these questions-1-how can the govt keep drugs out of the hands of addicts when they cant even keep them out of maximum security prisons? 2-If we are in so much debt (highly questionable) how can we afford to spend $50 Billion per year fighting drugs and addicts and operating DEA offices in over 60 countries worldwide? Who are the biggest drug dealers in the United States (most likely the world? Hint, google Judge Bonner youtube mike wallace 60 minutes. Who headed the largest group of drug dealers in the world before becoming Vice-president then President? If that isn't enough to convince you of the REAL motives behind the war on drugs you have been thoroughly brainwashed by propaganda. The govt doesn't give an da** about who's kids die of an OD. Just my 2 pennies, take 'em or leave 'em.
*****s such as yourself are the very reason people who are truly in chronic pain have such a hard time getting help in relieving their pain, just enough to have even a small quality of life. For those who believe everyone who takes pain relievers are "i**** addicts" you are wrong and the stigma you put on our backs is sickening... I fear having to go to an emergency room because of the Trolls like Alan, you see, as soon as you list your medications, they think you are there for MORE drugs.... Fix the doctor shoppers, and stop trying to take what little life I have from me... if it were not for my pain medication, I would not be alive.... I am not a surgery candidate because my bones are so brittle, so I am considered a "chronic pain patient". I do not sell my pills, I do not buy pills from people, I do not trade pills with people and I stay in close contact with my physician. How about that, YES... we do exist!!!!
You have to go thru your sons stuff to keep him safe and since he's living under your roof you have all the right in the world
This is commonly called Percocet, but in this form, contains Oxycodone and Acetaminophen.
It can be addictive and must be monitored by a physician.
It can only be used by prescription, and it's a felony to sell it on the open market.
Calmly find out where he got it, and discuss the ramifications of him being caught by someone other than his parent, such as a peace officer. He would likely have been handcuffed and taken for a drive in a black and white car to an office with bars as walls for some rooms.
Find out how many he's already taken, and if he's open, you should find out where he got them, and alert either parents, if you know and trust them, or the police. This isn't a trivial matter.
Herbal/ Ayurvedic medicines have no side-effects and minimal to zero interactions, because they are not heavily concentrated, or processed to extract only a few chemical compounds as is the case with Allopathic (i.e. common hospital and market chemist medicines). I know people using this in parallel with anti-depressants and anti-psychotics (Valance, Sizopin, and others), with no problems, in fact has supporting benefits. Specially if patient refuses to take medicines, herbal powder or liquid form can slide into drinks and juices of daily use by well-wishers.
Dont go thru his room....ha thats a load of bs my kids are 10_16_20 and I go through all their stuff I dont care my vajayay gave me the right its our job to protect our kids and that dont stop at 18 its a forever kind of bb thing but its a perk....
Wow, judging from the atrocious grammar and spelling in most of these posts this country is headed to hell in a hand basket. No wonder so many kids are practically living on their smart phones, taking pills and ODing! In 2016 ignorance rules the USA! The New World Order zombies are coming!
What if she didn't go though his room and found him dead bc he over dosed instead. maybe he was to scared to ask for help. Going through his room probably saved his life. Wow we need more concerned parents obviously your not one
Opinions are like a**holes everyone has one but it doesn't make any of your statements true or right. You're actually wrong about everything you wrote???? And spelling has nothing to do with parenting and being taken seriously. The government / drug companies bottom line $$$ they could care less about human life. It's the manufacturers fault they prescribe all the drugs that harm your body in one way or another. Every amendment has been broken in one way or another, who cares. This world has become s*** so you have no right to judge anyone because you don't know their situation. You haven't walked in their shoes, you haven't lived their life and not everyone has a choice.
You did the right thing Mom.keep up the good work.God the Father wanted you to find it becuz he may have a drug problem.
If her son is a minor she had every right to go through his room. He shouldn't have this medication unless it was prescribed by his doctor with his mother's knowledge and you're an i**** if you think it's ok for him to have this if he isn't prescribed it!!!
Lol you sound like a pill head, if you had a prescription and you picked it up from a pharmacy, then you would have known it was ligit.
Your son has a 10 mg oxycodone pain killer used for moderate to severe pain. Unless he was prescribed this drug you need to be aware it is a strong opiate and you need to talk and get the truth. Good luck.
Duh. Exactly the opposite. A parent should know if their child is screwing around with a controlled substance such as oxycodone. I have a 14 year old son and I check his desk and his room whenever I damn well want to to make sure that he is keeping himself away from illegal substances and healthy. Especially because 10 mg is a high dose. This is the stupidest comment I've ever seen on a medication website you're obviously not a parent and very ignorant on the topic of addiction
Listen kid I go through my son's room twice a week for drugs. He lives under my roof and I pay for him to live there. So I'll make damn sure that he's safe and alive. You just are an egocentric kid who thinks he knows everything. Think about the look on your mother your father your sister your brother's face if they found out that you or someone else was dead because they overdosed on opiates because their parent didn't go through their bedroom as parents are supposed to in order to keep their lying teenager safe
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