Pill 2172 With Code 0591 Hydrocodone (Top voted first)
UpdatedNeed to know - is this hydrocodone? Just came from drug store and this is what I got. Have never seen one like this before.
2 Replies
@Carlo & Hydrizzlecone,
What you guys have there is actually a new version of generic hydrocodone 5mg + acetaminophen 325mg (made by Actavis). It is the real deal, however I've recently read some complaints here about it not being nearly as effective as other brands. I say, 'to each their own in' that regard, since everyone responds differently... But I hope this helps add some clarity to the confusion.
Also for verification, the pill itself carries a National Drug Code of: 0591-2172.
Wishing you both a pain free day!
I am also in the same confusion whereas I have received the same pill white oval pill imprint 2127, sorry I cant help but it would be great if someone would ..lol..somebody plz help , my cat is curios af !!
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