Pierce County Oxycodone Presribing Drs (Top voted first)
Updateddoes anyone know of any Dr's in the Tacoma wa area that presribes oxycodone? I currently have a Dr but I can't afford to pay every 2 weeks and he gives me the minimum amount possible. I have extensive file from 2 severe car accidents, chronic neck and back pain, and an on going insurance claim for the 2nd car accident. Any help would be appreciated.
5 Replies
Unfortunately, the new regulations are slowly making their way west and your doctor has to be very careful how much he prescribes, he really doesn't have much leeway.
Frequent monitoring and limited prescriptions are going to happen with any doctor that you visit.
Learn more Oxycodone details here.
Here in WA, many doctors are flat out refusing to prescribe narcotics or benzodiazepines for any reason and those that do will often only give a very limited supply, such as a weeks worth.
I had surgery last year on a Thursday and was given just enough to get through the weekend, then had to be back in for an appointment on Monday. They gave me a few more days worth then and that was it.
I wish I had more help for you, but this is the way things are going all over the country now and you're most likely better of staying with the doctor you have, because people that are switching are finding themselves being denied such medications by their new doctors.
Is there anything else I can help with?
The only Dr.I know is in Seattle and he is expensive first appointment is like 250. Then every other month is 160.00.But you get what you need I get 60 of 80 mg Oxytocin and for break -thru I get 180 - 30 mg - Oxycodone must have all medical records and he is on the board that helps make the rules in the state.He accepts no insurance coverage you can bill your insurance company for a refund of your visit.You can contact me for more information maybe exchanges emails.Im in Tacoma
fer75 I would like to talk to you about your drs. how can I get in touch with you?
f100 try me on {edited for privacy}
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Meryln, I would like Doc info. Chronic pain sufferer myself...
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