Picture Of Oxycodone 30mg Marking 224
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Blue pill Oxycodone 30mg marking on one side 224 on other side a line
5 Replies
i regret to inform you that everything you heard was incorrect. you little blue pill is a 30 mg oxycodone. , another thing is that there is no such thing as " roxicotin " one more thing wrong is that even if he was referring to roxicodone the highest strength they make is 30 mg.and the comment about them being stronger than a 30 mg oxy contin is also not true. however it may seem like that at first for the first 2 hours or so. oxy contin is roughly .05 times stronger than oxycodone . but. roxicodone is an instant release meaning the full 30mg hits you at the same time. a 30 mg o.p. is an extended release and is equal roughly to 35 miligrams of oxycodone and has a noticeable life of about 10 hours. roxi however fades quickly after 6 hours
I was told these were roxycotin 40's and were stronger than oxycotin 30's
I cannot post a picture due to copyright reasons, however, I can confirm for you that this does contain 30mgs of Oxycodone, a generic for Roxcicodone, this is a narcotic pain reliever.
Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
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