Pharmacy Issues
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Hi my husband is disabled, he has been having no luck filling his roxy 30s. He was going to a wal-greens, but unfortunantly we live in S. Fla, so pharmacies down here pick & choose. Anyway he has humana disability insurance, they told him to send his persciptions in so he did, but he had told them every one of his scripts & where he lives, now they filled his non narcotics and said they cant do the narcotic because of where we live. Now since they filled his nons, he cant do anything with what he really needs. Does anybody know of a mail in pharmacy that carries his medications and doesnt dicriminate where he lives, I understand people have ruined it for the ones who really need it, but please can anybody help?

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Jake and Verwon, do you know of any mail order pharmacy that delivers to FL residents. I have AARP for medicare drug plan. I did phone them today and i asked about my pain meds, if they could be mailed. we went over the meds and she looked it up she said all would be fine, however; i've heard controlled substances cannot be delivered into FL: (only if military or VA) i've heard of a lady having no problem getting hers via mail we have the same pain doc. ive heard horror stories of ppl sending their scrips in after being told by customer service that all was ok, but then sometimes up tp 2 weeks later the scrip was returned and not filled. That would leave me in a very BAAD state of physical and mental anguish any information, or experiences anyone please share Thank you. My mail order company name is Optic Rx

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Hi there --

I found the issue you raise interesting. Have you found a good mail pharmacy to use since you posted? If not, I've been doing some research in the space and I'd be curious to get your opinion about one that's launching later this year that's aiming to solve a lot of the previous issues patients have had with getting their meds on time and safely.

Looking forward to connecting!!


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Hello, Desperate! How are you doing? Sorry about the problems that you're husband has been having.

It isn't that they are discriminating because of where he lives, it's that the regulations that have been put in place there won't let them ship controlled substances.

Learn more Roxicodone details here.

This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

The pharmacies are also not picking and choosing whose prescriptions they will or will not fill, but they have a limited supply and it's a first come, first served basis. Once they run out for the month, there is nothing they can do, they can't order a new supply until the following month.

Has he talked to his doctor about the issue? They may be able to prescribe an alternative medication, or dosage that he can get easier.

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