Pharmacies That Will Fill My Subutex In Wv (Page 2)
UpdatedPharmacies in WV that will fill my subutex that aren't to pricey and they have to be accepting new clients.
When you got them from advanced rx, were they big or small? Just curious. I have a friend that's waiting on his shipment and he was wondering if they were the big ones or the small ones. Big ones are better bc you can break them into smaller pieces to dissolve under tongue. Thanks
Anyone can tell me where to fill my script in wv having a hard time
Ask your Dr if they will use advanced rx mail order pharmacy. They guarantee to fill even for new patients no matter what it is. The subutex is 4$ per pill. They will also overnight for 30$ extra. Your doctor should call you in a 3 day supply to get you through until you can get yours in the mail. Best decision ever! The Dr office faxes your rx to them and then the pharmacy calls you and you pay over phone with debit card or even put your cash on a visa gift card. They accept those too.
I get mine at Rite Aid. They cost $90 a month. I am from Pa tho. And I get a variety some months but on average I get the small 1's at that price. I know in the market place the big 1's are most valued. But if U r taking them urself, who cares who makes them? I know my answer woulda been different a year ago, but if U take them as directed, there is no difference. In fact, the small 1's are actually pure med, no filler. I am a guy, saying I am pregnant ain't gonna work to go somewhere else. Plus, Rite Aid treats me like every other monthly customer. I can get them all or 1/2, however I want to do it. Most places upped their pricing on the the larger 1's around here to $20 a pill and I am in recovery, not gonna b a slave to a pharmacy. I do know as my girl and I go together. She gets strips cuz of her insurance & I get pills that most pharmacies have a limit on patients. They def will not give U info on the phone & U gotta have valid ID. But 4 those of U who aren't gonna b picky about what U get....and believe me after 4 days of having a script U can't get filled U will understand what I mean, just go to ur local Rite Aid and b happy U ain't out trying to score dope. Just on another note, my bf is a pharmacist & yes, there is such a thing as pharmacy shopping. The more pharmacies U go to, the less likely a new pharmacy will take U. That in turn is gonna bring more pill counts. The best thing U can do at this point is be glad U have the means to beat ur addiction. Once again, don't wanna sound preachy. I've been there. Had any1 asked me these same questions a year ago, my answer woulda been quite different. It's ur recovery. Suboxone doesn't work for everybody, the taste is nasty, whatever it is. But they got shots now and the fact remains we are addicts and pry the most stigmatized class of addicts. Eventually, no1 will b getting these so be happy with what U get cuz if U don't, U r most likely gonna end up w/ nothing at all.
The Pharmacy in Chelyan will fill Subutex, but it's $7 per pill. That's the actual name of it, The Pharmacy.
Re: Justin (# 19)
My son was going to a pharmacy called wiggles in apollo pa. Will fill for anyone
Re: Justin (# 15)
CVS in St.C are handling the Kmart patients. Good lick...
Re: Chris (# 1)
Hey I need help bad could you let me know what pharmacy
Re: TiredofTrying (# 9)
did you have any luck filling yours I still can't find a pharmacy
I am aware of three different pharmacies that will fill PA & MD scripts for WV residents. There is one in WV and two in MD.
The pharmacy I am aware of in WV only fills for A&R Solutions patients (and could possibly be ONLY for those going to the Point Marion, PA A&R Solutions clinic). They are expensive at $7.50 per tablet for the M-924's but in an emergency, it could be a life saver.
There are also two in Garrett County, MD. The one pharmacy requires verification which means they must speak with your doctor or someone in the clinic and is at the discretion of the pharmacist. Insurance is also accepted.I have heard they carry the 54-411 tablets.
The other MD pharmacy had no problems whatsoever filling a PA script for a WV resident and they DO accept insurance also but if you have no insurance, 32 tablets is only $99.00 at their pharmacy. They carry the Actavis Orange Oblong Half Moon/153 tablets.
Re: AWV304 (# 30)
I'm very close to garrett county maryland...i have a pa script and am a wv resident. I went all over pa 2day looking for a pharmacy that would fill my script with no luck. This is my 1st time doing this, so, I don't really know where else to go or what else to do at this point. Any pharmacy names or other info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!!!
Re: AWV304 (# 30)
What was the pharmacy names? I need help please. We always get ours filled in PA and are recently having trouble. Really need a pharmacy for this month til mine can solve their problem.
Re: Shanna (# 32)
Hi. I'm in wv trying to find a pharmacy in pa or wv. My pharmacies quit getting them and I've been looking for over 2 weeks. Found this site and I was hoping you had better luck! Frantically looking with no luck.
Re: Chris (# 1)
I live in Wv and I go to a Dr in PA. I can't find any place to fill them.
Re: Mike (# 10)
I just got switched to Subutex and only place I can find is on West side of chas WV at a pharmacy called rx tell. For 14 pills it's 24.00. medical card won't cover unless it pregnant or have a written clinical reason or allergy to nalaxone.
Yea, please help me find a place.
Re: Punky (# 3)
Any luck on finding a pharmacy?
Re: Tc (# 11)
Used to be u could get on with rite aid in banksville. That's where I used to get mine filled from up there in pa.
Re: Justin (# 15)
Rite Aid in Banksville, PA.
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