Percocetor What?
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I've been on PAin killers now for around 10 yrs. I started out with loratad 10/500 and they worked pretty good then they stopped making those and couldn't get relief from none of the rest. Finally my Dr.changed me to Percocet 10/325s. Well at first they seem to work then the past few months I can't seem to get relief. He even gave me tramadol to take in between but nothing!! I'm not wanting to go back to PAin clinic ...been there done that..was off in left field for a while but managed to come off all they had me on and was scared of Dr.s for a lil while but the PAin for too much and went to Dr. Which sent me to neurologist in turn has helped me for a lil over 3 yrs now. But the Percocet 10s are not cutting it anymore and scared of what's next. Can anyone tell me what I should go up to? I have 8 disc bad in my back..bone spurs in neck..may-thurber syndrome in left side and fibromyalgia along with complete knee replacement in right knee and arthritis also keep have shingles that have been coming and going. He won't let me take the full round of Acyclovir which is for shingles cause I've been having soo much trouble with them that has afraid of my body getting immune to them. So I'm at my witts end on what to do

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Ask ur doc about adding methadon to help the pain...its works great as a add on to perkocet.

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Hello, Tracey! How are you?

Percocet contains Acetaminophen and Oxycodone and Oxycodone is available by itself, in higher doses. You may want to ask your doctor about trying it.

The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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