Percocet Vs Norco (Page 6) (Top voted first)


I'm taking percocet 10/650mg. I have (DDD), (Athritis), and the list goes on. I have a friend on Norco. Can you tell me what the difference is between them and the highest mg the norco comes in? THANK YOU SO MUCH!

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I'm 71 female, fell Oct 2015 took all tests until 12/9 MRI showed colapsed femer. They called it avascular narcosis, bone died for lack of blood. Finally had right hip replacement 3/21/16. Now 60+ days doing really good with PT for hip now I have lot of back pain x-rays showed spine curved & pelvis tipped down towards new right hip! Seems it took such a long time for the actual surgery (they won't say but it's what I think) there is nothing that can be done! The percocet works better for me but I'm having issues trying to get the doctor to prescribe. I have appointment with pain management doctor for a possible ESI which does not give me a warm fuzzy feeling. I'm overweight but since last Oct have lost 50 lbs. 5'2" & 180 now & still working on losing. It's just the pain which my primary care Dr said I have a low pain tollerance (my son said she called me a wimp!!!) Yet after PT got down to 1 - 10/325 Norco 8 to 10 hrs between doses but now I'm back to 4-5 hrs because of my back pain. I'm sitting on split pillow so my tail bone not getting too much pressure but I'm so piseed off at this outcome.

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Noro not as good as percocet for
Going to pain mgmt today hoping for solution

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**Medicine man: As a pharmacist, I truly hope you didn't make it through school...or at the very least realize how wrong this advice was and that this person could've went into serious respiratory depression and fried their liver had they followed it. Holy eff.

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If I have one Norco 10 by 325 and one Percocet 10 x 325 would the Percocet be equal to two Norco or how would that go

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I take percocet 10/325 for DDD but have recently ran out and my oral surgeon prescribed me Narco 5/325 so I take 2 every 4 hours or so. I have 1 percocet 5/325 left and was wondering if I should take that until my script gets filled tomorrow, so my question is , is percocet 5/325 equal too 2 narco 5/325

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Umm yeah, it can help with chronic pain but don't abuse it. I have many friends who have smoked for years and now have lung disease! Pill form or edibles please!

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Thanmks for the info cuz I've taking norcos but don't last long. And in bk in pain again so I needed to know if there was anything else out to take n have a longer effect....

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Yeah I agree nerve pain should not be treated with opiates as first line treatment. I was on tramadol and norco for years. I did my own research and slowly took my self off the opiates. Still had horrible withdraw symptoms but did it. Now I take 1200 gabapentin 3x a day and feel so much better without the opiate fog! Please try other treatments before opiates. They will cause you more problems than relief.

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Here is my question - If i take 2 Norco 10/325, is it better to take 1 Percocet 10/325? Are they the same?

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Medicine man, My name is Jeff and I have stage 4 cancer. they have already done one operation in Augusta, GA to remove the cancer in the floor of my mouth and took out 1/2 took out half of my jaw bone and removed 27 all of my teeth and 80 lymph nodes. when the blood work came back a week later they told me I have stage 4 t4 cancer in my thyroid and remove the rest of mt jaw bon and do a leg bone graft for a new jaw. They are going to remove it after my 35 treatments of radiation and 6 doses of chemo. I live in Valdosta GA and it is a 10 hour round trip drive. My question is what is the most powerful medication the pain specialist can give me long term? Fentanyl, Diludid, ect ect.. PLEASE get back to me soon.

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I thought the Norco 325/20 was the strongest? I had may doctor change me from the 325/10's to the 20's & I could tell the difference...

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Sounds like your tolerance has gone up. Be careful. I know many that went up the ladder and finally nothing helped but illicit drugs. :(

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How much do u have to take to overdose on percs and narcos

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I broke my femur my right hip my pelvis in my tailbone.I am having a really hard time coming off of Percocet tens what is the best way to come up with them thank you

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I think I got allergic to Percocet and they changed me to Norco but I am still itching. Can you tell me what they have in common that may be still causing my itching.

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What's the beat way to get off norco 7.25s? i have been on 2 a day for 1.5 years and to be honeat Im so sick of taking pills everyday of my life. Any advice is appreciated I dont wnat to see a pain doc my 78 waa forced to go to one waiting room was nasty and full of young drug abusers. I thought to myself what a shame 78 years old qorked all his life to have to put up with such nonsense. His family doctor refuses to fill his norco due to he was afraid of losing his license. My father was not abusing maybe took one norco 10 a day. Very sad what the elderly go thru to get pain relief

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Sorry for typos and advice is appreciated I know pain killers have become hard to obtain due to all the abusers

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Hi I have been taking narco./vicodin for approx 10 years. I risk running out every lastt month. How long does narco vs percocet last time wise for my pain?

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Hi I have been on narco/vicodin for approx 10 years every month I am afraid of running out. How long does 1 vs the other help time wise. I take 10/325

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California back and pain specialist in van nuts can help. Dr Vic's Singh. I go there myself and they are great

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