Percocet Vs Norco (Page 6)


I'm taking percocet 10/650mg. I have (DDD), (Athritis), and the list goes on. I have a friend on Norco. Can you tell me what the difference is between them and the highest mg the norco comes in? THANK YOU SO MUCH!

150 Replies (8 Pages)

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I was given percocet when i came home from the hospital and I can't take them can't hold them down for some reason I was taking norcos 325/10 do you think my insurance company will have problem with my Docter putting me back on my norcos

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Grand Rapids MI im seeking help on finding better doctor's to prescribe my pain meds.

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I have been taking tramadol for 8 years now . Same dosage. Only 200mg per day for fibro and severe leg cramps. I now need 300mg per day. My Dr is being a jerk about it. Says I'm addicted but my rheumatologist says I'm not. My doc won't increase the dosage for me and has cut it in half even though I told him I can't take the pain. Antiinflamitories don't help at all. What can I do?

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...two hours apart I took one Norco 5-325 capsulefirst, but since at the end of the day I had not had an improvement in my severe nasal pain of serveral days ( nerve damage being treated), I followed by changing to a 5-325 Percocet capsule... Did I violate any laws hr, for ti hurt for a while -.settling down to a stable state at the end..

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I have been looking up Norco vs Oxycodone. Everyone seems to think that 10 mg of Codone And 10 mg of Codone are a stronger pill. The reason one is hydro the other Is Oxy. The hydro delivers faster and last not as long. The oxy delivers Right now part of the pill and then last longer as it delivers that amt thru the pill life. In reality look at what you are seeing Oxycodone. Hydrocodone. So its the codone the medication and the oxy / hydro that says how it works. so 10 mg is 10 mg. of course one is coated different. I only recommend taking these the way the doctor says to and this is usually why your doctor will put you on say 30 pills of Oxy, 120 of norco as oxy r usually used for break thru pain and contin is used to manage the same as hydro. hope this makes sense. The only thing that could be is oxy 20-30 etc are stronger than 10 Norco. It's in the mg. Hope this helps.

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Get your script filled through mail-order, then its all mailed to you and you don't have to wait for the pharmacy to stop being up tight jerks.

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OXYCODONE they start at 10 mg. on up to a damn good pill. be careful with them as they have fast onset.... but they have No tylenol... (is a perc without tylenol)

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I don't usually answer these but this response struck a cord with me. I am a nurse of 30+ years so I have some expertise in this area as well it is not wise to take Norcos and Percocet together. Both are strong opioids and are not prescribed together In addition, as you have pointed out, there is an extreme amount of Tylenol in the combination. I would be worried about more than your liver. They are highly addictive and detrimental to your general health.

Din addition to having way too much Tylenol in the combination.

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Since moving to CA, I too was treated as if I was a "druggie" just looking for a fix at first. After getting to know my doctors (and them getting to know me too), I don't have any problems usually. Every time some "crazy" complains or OD's on a prescription drug, that too ruins it for those of us with legit pain that the drug worked for. It's a crazy world! I have RA, fibromyalgia, bursitis and many other things that cause excruciating pain throughout my body 24/7!! I've heard that Walgreens is the Worst pharmacy to go to when filling pain meds!!! This is a slight exaggeration but they'll put you on "Alert" to other pharmacies if you buy too much over the counter Tylenol from them!! It's ridiculous!!

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Vicodin. Has the same ingredient as Norco it's has coding and Percocet has codine in it vicodin is hydrocodine so if you are allergic I dunno why they would of switch it..

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Thank you I been taking Norco 10/325 for the past 8 years. And I have been taking 5 to 6 pills per day. I went to see a pain management today and I was worried because he gave me percocet 10/325 and I was worried because he gave me two pills per day. I still don't know if they will work because I haven't gotten yet. But reading this gave me hope. Thank you

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Hey! I found your info very helpful. Thanks. Sometimes it is hard to get the straight real info you want out there, without all the disclaimers. Good luck in college!

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I have always heard percocet is stronger but I am like you...Norco works better and longer for me. So maybe it has to do with the way our body handles them as oppose to other people. Just be sure to watch how much acetaminophen you take all together including sinus Tylenol etc.

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I'm 71 female, fell Oct 2015 took all tests until 12/9 MRI showed colapsed femer. They called it avascular narcosis, bone died for lack of blood. Finally had right hip replacement 3/21/16. Now 60+ days doing really good with PT for hip now I have lot of back pain x-rays showed spine curved & pelvis tipped down towards new right hip! Seems it took such a long time for the actual surgery (they won't say but it's what I think) there is nothing that can be done! The percocet works better for me but I'm having issues trying to get the doctor to prescribe. I have appointment with pain management doctor for a possible ESI which does not give me a warm fuzzy feeling. I'm overweight but since last Oct have lost 50 lbs. 5'2" & 180 now & still working on losing. It's just the pain which my primary care Dr said I have a low pain tollerance (my son said she called me a wimp!!!) Yet after PT got down to 1 - 10/325 Norco 8 to 10 hrs between doses but now I'm back to 4-5 hrs because of my back pain. I'm sitting on split pillow so my tail bone not getting too much pressure but I'm so piseed off at this outcome.

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I agree with you! I have nerve pain and those opiod pain killers were not helping. I take bupropion which helps tremendously. People with nerve pain end up needing more and more opiod medicine as they realize they can't get relief from nerve pain.

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Noro not as good as percocet for
Going to pain mgmt today hoping for solution

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**Medicine man: As a pharmacist, I truly hope you didn't make it through school...or at the very least realize how wrong this advice was and that this person could've went into serious respiratory depression and fried their liver had they followed it. Holy eff.

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If I have one Norco 10 by 325 and one Percocet 10 x 325 would the Percocet be equal to two Norco or how would that go

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I take percocet 10/325 for DDD but have recently ran out and my oral surgeon prescribed me Narco 5/325 so I take 2 every 4 hours or so. I have 1 percocet 5/325 left and was wondering if I should take that until my script gets filled tomorrow, so my question is , is percocet 5/325 equal too 2 narco 5/325

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