Percocet Vs Norco (Page 4)
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I'm taking percocet 10/650mg. I have (DDD), (Athritis), and the list goes on. I have a friend on Norco. Can you tell me what the difference is between them and the highest mg the norco comes in? THANK YOU SO MUCH!

150 Replies (8 Pages)

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Little shwa girl you need to realize percocet is on the prescription list for pain for a reason. Not everyone abuses it but I do agree it can be addictive. People should be careful and not overdo it. But easy for you to say either because you are an addict yourself or one of those who seen people addicted.

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Neuropathy can not always be controlled with gsbapenton or lyrica or cymbalta I have severe neuropathy and none of the above helped at all the only relief I get in from pain killers

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Percocet has less Tylenol in it. They made norco with less Tylenol than it previously had in it, but Percocet has less. Oxy has zero in it.

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I have liver damage my doctor gave me norco 5-325 are those bad for liver?

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I shattered my ankle 6 years ago and been on norco since then. I am talking 325-10 one pill every 6 hours and get no relieve for the pain. Should I try to switch to percocet?

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I'm sure in L.A. you should. San Diego is good about pain management

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You've got to be honest and communicate as openly as you can and make sure you are expressing just how the pain is affecting your life. One pain pill every 12 hours isn't en to cover your pain. Norco only lasts 4-6 hours...depending on your metabolism could be less. Sounds like you have moderate to severe pain and the medication doseage should be reevaluated.

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I also have DDD along with 4 desicated disk pushing ony spine as well as a 2 inch bone spur in my neck with to collapsed dish, sever muscle spasm which caused my disk to narrow and arthritis, today I was prescribed norco 5/325, it's prescribed to take 1 every 12 hours and doesn't seen to be helping, I'm scared to tell the pain center, how should I approach him with this?

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No place for judgment on threads like these. We all have pain and just need to help each other positively, leave the judging for those people in our lives who've never lived with pain a day in their lives and have no idea what it's like to take a walk in our shoes! My thoughts and prayers are with you ma'am! Hope you get some quality of life back!

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Donna doo the meds are fine i take norco an 800Mg of ibuprofen and an antibiotic i just got a tooth pulled two days ago. its safe. after a few days it will b back to normal. i also take ambien to help me sleep.its safe.

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Thank you nellyD your answer helped a lot. i hope your back gets better sorry to hear you have a bad back. mine goes out every now an then so i know the pain! I cry sometimes it hurts so bad.

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Yes, ibuprofen is an NSAID. Norco is hydrocodone/acetaminophen combo. It won't hurt at all. Possibly make you have more relief if you have inflammation.

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Can i take an ibuprofen with a norco

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My pain management doctor gives norco and tramadol together. It is honestly the only reason I am not eating the norco like candy because they wear off so fast. The tramadol seems to extend the time in between doses of norco. My dr won't prescribe over 6 norco a day though. My old pain dr had me on 8 a day when I was 20. Now that i am almost 30 I am having a hard time getting what I need without all the hassle. Ideally what I need is my back fixed and to be pain free. Ha! since my issues are genetic I have to play the hand I was dealt and adjust accordingly. Seriously though the tramadol and norco together is a good combination! I stayed on tramadol for a few years this go round before I had to up my meds. stay on low doses as long as possible.

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I also have neuropathy and I take gabapentin 600 mg 4x a day. But I also have restless leg syndrome, fibromyaligaand joi.nt hyprrmobility syndrome. That is not even 1/2 of my problems,point is pain meds help better than the gabapentin. So let's not be judging ppl.

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Might be ok. Lyrica samples worked good for my husband with Vasculitis, but not covered by Medicaid-- so might be limitations on choices depending on ur health coverage --high retail price negated possibility of other purchase.

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I agree that marijuana is a far more healthy choice for
pain management. The dark side is it can cause Delirium
in some people, mine lasted 5 days. No one mentions that side. It is why I cannot ingest it. If your only choice is pain medication,try to get by on the least amount you can. Drink water, stay away from booze & keep taking a multiple vitamin.Excercise ( a little goes a long way).
Good Luck. D.

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Cvs n alabama gets me mine but u can order online too

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Please be careful, anyone taking any over the counter or prescription pain pills. My late husband was on these medications due to severe and crippling pain and surgeries. He passed away from liver failure in 2007 from all of the Tylenol in these medications. Just wanted you all to be aware. God bless.

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Get serious! Get off of the percocets! You are not helping arthritis at all and they are addictive. Look at your long term life goal, not an easy feel-good. Percocet is hot on the illegal market for a reason....

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