Percocet Vs Norco (Page 2)
UpdatedI'm taking percocet 10/650mg. I have (DDD), (Athritis), and the list goes on. I have a friend on Norco. Can you tell me what the difference is between them and the highest mg the norco comes in? THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Sounds legit to me! These pain pills are a vicious cycle of continued need for more and more with stronger doses... Find yourself running short and looking to buy off the street etc...
I have recieved over 40 plus (medical branch nerve block shots) "cortisone" in my lower back L1-L5 and many in my right SI joint.. Now still getting these shots a year and 4 months later my lower back pain is way worse, I am on 120 norco 10's a month and to me taking a percocet feels the same as taking a norco, yes percocet is stronger it has no Tylenol in it and Norco does have Tylenol just less then say Loratab. the 10-(325) the 325 is the tylenol.. if it says 10-(500) or 5-500 7.5 500 the 500 means more tylenol. I would highly recommend percocet for it is stronger if you need serious pain relief but all pain meds are seriously addictive even when taken properly.
I absolutely agree! Medical marijuana is great for chronic pain. I had a back surgery 8 years ago that went wrong and have been in pain ever since. I have been on everything from fentanyl patches to percocet to neurontin, methadone, norcos, somas, valium and everything in between. I now smoke medical marijuana. I am not addicted to any pharmaceuticals and there are no side effects. Thank God I live in Michigan where it is legal, And for all you naysayers out there you don't have to smoke medical marijuana there are other ways to take it but do not give you a high effect whatsoever. It is medicine after all.
Thank You. I agree 200% I have had 3 failed neck surgeries and was scheduled for a 4th until I finally found a doctor to tell me that no matter how many mine will just fail I have degenerative arthritis in just about every joint started in my neck. I was Proud to be Drug Free my Whole life only tried pot at 18 like twice not really a drinker but in 2007 with my 1st surgery & fusions titanium plates in my neck permanent nerve damage in my left hand. The Nurontin that they gave me for the never pain not only made me a emotional roller coster on top of amnesia and I was driving my children around. I couldn't find a pain management after all the laws changed to follow me because I refused the cortisone shots they didn't help only a 50 lb weight gain and with that depression. I started the legal way got my recommendation at 40 it was hard & still is to not feel stigmatized as a pot head but it doesn't feel that way. I was up to 13 pills as my morning dose just to get out of bed. I'm down to 2 because I dropped all the others and medical maraj has replaced the rest. I did have a spinal cord stimulater put in in nov 2013 which has also helped a great deal wish the positioning was better but the neck is hard to placement. My future goal is to be off the last 2. Almost off my ms contin to date & changing norcos to oxy/cets to get me off completely. Good luck Possitive vibes and good health=)
Vicodin and Norco are the SAME med. Drs want toy to think they are different, vut that is not true. Percocet is stronger then vicodin. If you're allergic to vicodin, how are you able to take Norco? Again those two meds are the same drug. My Mom has taken vicodin\norco for many years (same dosage\strengththis whole time) for her pain issues\health problems, and has recently got percocet to help more with her problems. It has helped tramwndously :)
What do each of them come up as in urine results. Can they tell which one you have taken since one is oxycodne and hydrocodone?
I have DDD, failed back syndrome, fibro, and an SCS implant. 3 surgeries so far:
1 lambodiscectomy for sciatic pain L4-5 in 2009 (hugely successful)
1 Spinal cord stimulator implant T3-4 in Feb, 2011 (30-50% effective on mid back)
2nd SCS lead revisioin (because it stopped working) just 2 weeks ago.
I have a Pain Management doctor who gives me:
trigger point injections (no steroids) all over my back, mostly upper thoracic
cervical epidurals
probiotics (these have helped tremendously)
neurontin 600mg as needed, usually 1.5/day
clonazepam 1mg x 1/day
norco 10/325mg x 1-1.5/day
methedone 5mg x 2-3/day
When I first came to see this PM doctor I was taking 4-6 norco/day. Now that is down to 1-1.5 norco/day. The injections, probiotics and the implant, coupled with the meds listed above, have allowed me to live a much more normal, productive life. I will always have severe limitations, good days and bad. I will probably always have pain, but I cannot stress enough the importance of finding a good Pain management doctor. They are experts in monitoring heavy doses of strong pain medication. If you are taking large amounts of narcotics, you absolutely must get a good PM specialist, imho.
If you're having trouble filling Rx, find a 'medical pharmacy'. One located in a hospital, or, in my case, in the same building as your neurosurgeon. They are used to dealing with patients who are going into surgery or just dealing with large amounts of narcotics. Pharmacies, in general, will NOT tell you over the phone if they have narcotics in stock. I believe this is by law.
If you're not satisfied with your PM, find another one. If you're unhappy with your pharmacy, ask your PM or surgeon to recommend one. A place like 'Target pharmacy' is going to treat you like a drug addict.
Can you help me
I have been on Hydro 10/325 for 2 years 2 ever 4 hours. I was in a sever car accident, couple years later I feel from a machine that blew out both knees, had surgery on both ended up with a staff infection in one knee that took 48% mobility from that leg. I wake each morning in pain and through out the night I wake crying because my legs hurt so bad it even hurts to walk. I was told by doctors no surgery can fix the damage because it is nerve damage as well as my joints are to damage to replace and muscle mass. To top it all off I was just diagnosed with Stage 3 diffuse b cell non hodgkins lymphoma. It seems from the moment I hit 30 it was one thing or another. I have a pill case now and I feel like a pharmacy. So i asked my doctor to please change my meds where I am taking less pain pills. So he switched me to oxycodone 5/325 2x every 4 hours. I am scared to take them because i was told they are stronger then my hydros. that a 5 mg oxy is equivalent to a 10 mg hydro. So I do not see where I am taking less if it is the same just stronger narco. Can someone help me to understand this
Lock your medicine under lock and key.
If you have people in your home who may want to experiment with your medication, simply, lock it up.
This way the only people you have to feat are the gangsters who rob you when you're away.
Another helpful hint is have a neighbor watch your ho.e when you are away.
It took a break in for me to learn this. It is a shame. The less people who know that you take strong pain medicine the better God bless and I hope you feel better and the physicians can get your pain levels down to where you can tolerate them.
Percocet works unbelievably well. It was Percodan for years (only difference is Percocet has acetaminophen whereas Percodan had aspirin (stuff was invented in 1950).
I had two wisdom teeth out 14 years ago and the doctor gave me 15 Percocet. The first day I didn't take any because I was too busy vomiting up blood, but the second night my mouth was really hurting, so I took one. After half an hour (you get impatient waiting for relief when you hurt in certain areas, and your mouth is one of them) I hadn't had any relief, so I took a second one. After about an hour they both kicked in. I was taking a college math class and I sat down - feeling no pain by this time - to take the practice quiz at the end of the chapter.
I got up the next morning and checked my answers, and I had gotten all 20 right, but I couldn't remember how I had done any of them (like I said, I was feeling no pain). So I took the quiz again and was careful how I took the rest of the pills.
In the 1978 movie, "Hooper" (based on real-life stuntman Buddy Joe Hooker) Burt Reynolds popped "Percs" like you or I would pop M&Ms. Sometimes the pills didn't do enough for the pain (which amazed me after I took them), so his buddy would give him inj's. of Xylocaine so that he could stand up straight. Stuntmen get paid good, but they pay for it by breaking practically every bone in their body at one time or another.
I have a torn rotator cuff now, and I take Norco 10-325s. The pills I have now from Qualitest work very well, unlike the garbage that Mallinckrodt puts out there. I took two Mallinckrodt 10-325s and hardly felt anything. I has some 5-325s left over, and I don't remember the manufacturer but one 5-325 worked better that 2 10-325 Mallinckrodts. That brand is junk. CVS sells them, so I stay away from there when I get a script for Norco. Target has the good yellow 10-325s and the ones I got today are yellow and from a supermarket that has a pharmacy.
How Mallinckrodt got those things past the FDA is beyond me. Imagine someone with cracked vertebrae (10 times as bad as a torn rotator cuff) who didn't know about Mallinckrodt trying to lessen the pain of a broken back with their garbage. I would transfer that prescription in world-record time to Target, Walgreens or some pharmacy that stocked meds that worked. If I'm going to a pharmacy for the first time, I always ask what brand of Norco they carry. I went to a different CVS and asked the pharmacy tech what brand of Norco they stocked. She was sharp, and said "Mallinckrodt" without having to look it up. I told her "No, thank you," and although the Target pharmacy was closed (they close at 7 p.m. M-F), I stuck it out and was waiting at 9 a.m. the next day when they rolled up the security shutters at the Target.
Stay away from Mallinckrodt if it's the last thing you do.
Hi Good2beme, Do you find the patch works better on a non-fatty skin area? When you say below your breast, do you mean basically where you can feel your ribs with no fatty skin area? I have been on these for quite a while.I put them above the breast area, but sometimes they don't seem to work as well. Thanks
Hi, I have a different opinion on Melllankroft norco. It has always been the best over Watsons n the others, for me. I have been using up to 4 a day for about 5 yrs now. 2-neck fusions, n herniated lumbar discs, that has caused severe nerve pain to the lower back, and in to my right knee/hip. My problem now after all this time, is, the drowsiness n depression that exists when I now, take them. I've tried the percocet, and did one 3-day round of fentynol patches. The fentynol was too much and I was afraid of going up to that level. The percocet also makes me a little dysfunctional but helped. I wish there was something else I could take, that, remedies the pain, yet keeps me active and not withdrawn. Thanks,
I too have Fibrmyalgia and have used the Fentanyl patch...It was the most effective but now I have no insurance and they are 300+ a back to the pills....but if you have insurance try them...
My Dr. Prescribes me know 37 mgs of Methadone ,is he allowed to prescribe an opiate for a short time.I just recently fell breaking my arm, ribs and have a class 2 ligament injury
Hi. I love in california and we are now having a very hard time with some of the new laws that are scaring doctors away from prescribing just about anything. And I have serious back and neuro issues. Can we talk, I would love to chat with you about this.
I keep seeing references to 500 and 650 mg of acetaminophen in tablets here. I thought any more than 325 mg per any pill had been banned. It has been in Alabama. Was the ban not nationwide? Thanks!
I was on neurontin for about 3 months for chronic ilioinguinal nerve pain caused by a hernia surgery.Started at 300mg and ended up over 2000 with no pain relief. Had multiple nerve block injections, no relief. Recently had neurectomy surgery and my doc gave me percocet. It doesn't stop the pain but at least I can function. Point is different people. need different things and everyone deserves to have the best quality if life possible
We also have opioid receptors in our brains. Medical marijuana would be great if it were legal in every state. But it isn't. Most certainly not in my state. I'd much prefer cannabis to pills, but a lot of us are SOL. My Dr. Requires random UA's, & if a patient comes up positive for any illegal drug, alcohol, additional pain meds he hasn't prescribed, higher levels of the drugs he writes than you are allowed, or even an absence of the medications he provides (this tells him that you may be deferring meds if they aren't in your system) then you are dismissed from care immediately. Period. While your suggestion is a decent one, the points that you argue in support of your POV need some fine tuning. :0)
Thanks for Info... You might just want to check your Spelling or just Proof-Read your Statements Bro. (All do respect..) Victor... Thanks Again Bro. The word is spelled "Feel" not Fill.
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