Percocet/oxycodone M523 10/325 (Page 5) (Top voted first)
UpdatedHello all, First off I'm new to posting here and I must admit this is probably a topic that is quite frequent and I have done days searching but can't seem to really find any info on my specific situation. I apologize in advance for the long post but I will introduce myself and situation. I've been on oxycodone 10/325 for a little over a year now from a botched foot surgery and diabetic neuropathy in this same foot. It helps tremendously and seems to be the only relief I can get is from taking these. Whether its first thing in the morning to be able to stand up and get moving or whether it's to let me settle down and drift off to sleep which is something fairly hard to do. I also was recently diagnosed with PTSD from my job and I am currently out of work for this. It is not fun. The oxycodone also seems to just ease my mind as well as my pain and its honestly the only thing I've taken that helps with both. I am under the care of a pain management doctor which I've been seeing since August 2015. My script is 90 for 30 days (3 a day). I try my best to stick to this as it is the dosage I'm required to abide by.. But at times I find myself taking 1-2 more a day than the normal 3 a day I'm supposed to take. Thus, resulting in my script "running out" early. So I turn to other means and each time it's usually something different. Nothing other than oxy but just different milligrams (sometimes 5s) and most of the time it's different manufacturers (sometimes it's pink only oxy no acetaminophen, sometimes yellow Vs and sometimes white IPs). This last time I was given white ones with m523 on one side and 10/325 on the other. I became suspicious right away. After further examining them they also look rather "beat up" almost as if they were in someone's pocket for 2-3 days or drug across the ground. All the writing on them is lined up properly on each one and well centered. They seem very light weight. Almost like a hollow capsule would feel. Very chalky looking although there is a slight glaze on them in the light but nothing like the glaze that mine from the pharmacy have on them. And also you can very easily "chip" the pill with your fingernail and easily rub off the writing with your fingernail as well. And they dissolve into a chalky paste very quickly almost instantly as soon as they hit your tongue. Which leads me to the next point.. Yes, I did take one. I noticed nothing different than normal for the first 20-30 minutes which is usually when the rush hits me. It felt like oxy. It was very short lived. All feeling was gone well within the hour and I was left extremely thirsty with an odd dry taste in my mouth and a dull but worsening pressure headache in the back of my head. Felt kind of odd. Not as I usually feel anyway. Kind of dizzy and couldn't really focus or bring myself to do anything. Was very sleepy actually and I felt as if I may throw up. Anyways, this was my experience in a nutshell. I know a press for this particular pill can be purchased on on the internet for 150 bucks. I'm really on the edge about these. I feel like it could go either way I guess but I'm still suspicious. Like I said, I definitely got the "oxy Rush" that I'm so used to.. But is this something that can also be achieved with someone cutting these pills with fentanyl or xanxax or something else?? Im not taking anymore. I know the above aforementioned can easily kill and that's not something I'm going to play around with. Well I guess I covered everything that I wanted to cover.. And I do have pictures of these if you can even post them here and if I can figure out how.
Re: Koatom00723 (# 2)
I have a small white oblong pill that has m523 on one side and nothing on the other side. There is no 10/325 on the second side. Can this still be oxycodone. Every search I've done shows it to have 10/325 on the second side. Are there oxycodones with only m523 on them?
Did you find out if they were fake because I'm going thru the same thing
Re: Koatom00723 (# 13)
So if they break quick and are chalky they are real.
Re: Decriminalize (# 79)
Hi, so that's not true about manufactures making fake meds for these pharmacies. They just seem to make me wonder because I can't take a whole one sometimes, so when I broke it it just broke so easily and was soft and chalky (the m523 10/325). Thanks. So I need to stop listening to people.
All generics are not created equal. I've been prescribed pain meds for ten years for a smashed heel. I noticed a BIG difference between generic Vicodin from Walmart vs. Walgreens. A lot of it has to do with Walmart's bid process for the lowest price. Secondly, shelf life, temperature at storage, and various handling issues do make a difference. The longer pills sit on a shelf, in a warehouse, etc. the less effective they are. That's the case with Tylenol, Motrin, and every pill made.
I worked in pharma sales for over a decade and swapped out a LOT of older pills for fresher, more effective medications.
The fact that you yourself stated that you have and get a rush and are taking more than what your being prescribed it is called abuse your an addict and until you can admit it you'll always have a problem, you are using that fact that you have chronic pain as an excuse to abuse pills and it's people like you that make it hard for others who need pain management and DR's.
BTW there is a huge diffrece between being dependent on pain medication and an addiction and if your Dr isn't uping your amount per day there is a reason but you do know you only get one liver and continued overuse of that medication leads to liver damage
Don't think post was well being judgemental just seemed concerned. If you Dr does not feel you need more than 3 a day or a higher dose its always a huge red flag when you get them else where and not follow your Drs advice. Have to keep it real.
RE: "I come here asking a question and I guess I found it. Really who knows right?"
That's exactly my point. The fact is you're risking your life in the process by not knowing if it's poison or otherwise (even after stating that you took it)…Tell me, what reader wouldn't be concerned by this? We should all be looking out for each others safety, but hey, I don't blame you at all for getting defensive.
There's at least 20 threads here asking this same type of question and it boggles my mind how people are willing to risk their health, well-being, and even their life for what may be poison. I don't mean to lecture but when you see so many posts of this nature and everyone is clueless about what they're putting in their bodies it just wreaks of ignorance (for lack of a better word). If there's a true medical necessity for a higher dose or quantity and your honest with your doctor about your habit I'm sure s/he would have no problem prescribing what is needed. Don't become a statistic by taking unknown substances. I only wish the very best for anyone who's truly in chronic pain. It's the addicts and those who abuse the system that made these substances as regulated as they are to begin with.
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