Percocet Dosage Limits 5/325 (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI am taking the percocet 512 white tablets 5mg/325 for severe back pain due to degenerating disc(s). I have been told 1 pill every 8 hours, but find the pain so excruciating after about 5 hours that I cannot even stand... even to use the bathroom or shower. My MD cannot get me into a specialist until August, but I am having real stress here. Will it be harmful for me to take more than the one tablet per 8 hours??
I also take 10/325 in conjunction with 5/325. 4-10's per day along with 6-5's per day (2925mg of tylenol). for back, disk,nerve damage. The tylenol is the crutial part that u need to control, it will harm you long before the oxycodone. I have known people that have taken upwards of 45 per day of the 5/325's. it's not good on the liver... Maximum limit 4000 mg of tylenol per day. 3000mg to be safe. They also make a 10,15,20 and 30mg oxycodone hydrocloride that has no tylenol at all. Dr;s don't like to perscribe them tho because junkies can break them down and shoot them up cause they are pure drug. When u exceed your tylenol limit for the day the doc with most like change u to something like this
I've been on pain management for several years. I've tried going off but end up back on due to the back pain. I've had three surgeries and currently have sciatic nerve damage and two herniated discs at L4-L5 and L5-S1. I take 15mg of oxycodone 3 to 4 times a day. I was taking 2x 7.5mg/325. I convinced my doctor to give me 10mg/325s and I cut one in half. This way I'm at 1950mg or less of tylenol a day.
I have been concerned about the tylenol and my liver for quite some time. I have pushed my doctor about other options and all it has done is make him think I'm looking to abuse the medication. It's sad that people who actually use the drug as prescribed have to risk liver failure and death because doctors are too concerned with the patient abusing. Basically they would rather you risk dying from liver failure than to deal with the chance a patient might abuse their medication. That's pretty messed up.
Your best bet, if you're worried about Acetaminophen poisoning, usually seen at doses of 4 grams (4000 mg) or more for the average adult in a 24 hour period, which is still considered a high dose and can cause liver damage over time, is to talk to your MD about getting straight Oxycodone, which is the narcotic med in Percocet, just without the APAP. It comes in the same strengths as Percocet, 5mg and 10mg (The 10mg pills are getting harder and harder to find to get a script filled, but they exist) then there's Oxycontin, which is just extended release Oxycodone, so you can take less pills as they have a coating on them that makes them dissolve slower in your stomach, and give you relief for a longer period of time (6-12 hours usually, depending on the patient) which come in strengths of 10mg - 80mg. I had a Gastric Bypass in 2008, so sadly, I don't absorb medications as well as a person with a normal stomach, and personally am on 50mcg(micrograms)/hour of Fentanyl, a patch you put on your upper arm or back of your neck, which is replaced with a new patch every 48-72 hours at your doctors discretion [48 for me]) that delivers a very potent synthetic narcotic analgesic through heat conduction releasing the medication from the patch into the body, said patches along with straight Oxycodone (no APAP, although I do take 2 Tylenol PM to sleep and alternate between the Tylenol PM and Ambien [Zolpidem} every few weeks as my tolerance builds and my insomnia creeps back in) seem to work well for me for the time being, as for the Oxycodone, I take a 5mg tablet every 2 hours, equaling 60mg daily. So, I ranted quite a bit, but it comes down to this, if you're worried about APAP poisoning/overdose, ask your doctor for JUST Oxycodone, without the Acetaminophen, but most Docs don't tend to give out high enough doses of Percocet to be anywhere near the 4000mg/day of APAP. Good luck, and keep us updated!!!
I take Percocet like candy.....I'm not going to lie....but that is because I am a full fledged addict. I suffer from PTSD and this Percocet my induced euphoria makes my life bearable
I just had back surgery and still have pain some of it is the healing process some I believe it my nerve pain is worse if that makes sense. Doctors worry about the abuse of these drugs but have no idea how busy we are and it hurts to not take the meds I take vicoden no more the 4 a day plus valum 1 in the morning 1 at night it helps with the spasms. Addiction is there worry you have to remember that acetametaphin can hurt your liver and that is no joke.
What about Percodan?
It is Percocet with the acetaminophen gone and Aspirin in its place. The decision for acetaminophen or aspirin is one I believe should be collaborative between the Patient and their Physician.
Aspirin and Acetaminophen each have dangers for the patient, and precautions to be observed. My personal experience is that aspirin works better for me, and for the same relief requires almost acetaminophen dosage.
And aspirin dangers are very manageable, but are things the Patient must be responsible for.
I take several different meds, and it is likely my liver is already processing various substances, and aspirin is much less hepatoxic than acetaminophen. But I also always eat something along with swallowing the oxycodone/aspirin, avoiding possible gastric damage, and manage the anticoagulation meds appropriately.
The drug manufacturer's Insert packaged with the drug states dosage of 1-2 of the 5/375 every 4 to 6 hours, and if you run out too soon it means your doctor is not good at mathematics or arithmetic, or intentionally failed to provide sufficient medication...
Withdrawal symptoms depend on dosage, and how long you take the pain medication. Also, there is the extreme constipation to deal with, if you have to take the opiate longer than a week. Polyethylene Glycol is probably the best option, since it never leaves the digestive tract.
And finally, I believe personally, that if your doctor fails to prescribe adequate pain relief, they violate their Hippocratic Oath, and you should shop for a new physician.
You are so right! Life is short and you should live it to the fullest; If pain preventing you to do so than find a doctor that willing to prescribe you the pain meds. There are so many doctors out there, keep searching for the right one.
My advice would be to contact your Physician and/or Pharmacist and see what the healthy, safe dosages are instead of taking medical advice from people off a blog on the internet.
I am a pharmacy Tech at BOCES it is mostt likely the pharmacies can ask for a patient councel with a PHARMACIST ok and doctors are screwy anyway...&*^% them so
I have a chronic pain condition and take OxyContin for it. Works well, doesn't impair my thinking or judgment at all. But one problem is that every once in a while (like maybe every 3 months for a few days) I get "breakthrough pain" - and it needs to be treated. My MD Rx'd me Oxycodone 5mg tabs. But, the directions are the same as your doc wrote: 1 tablet every 8 hours as needed for pain. Oxycodone, the narcotic that's in both Percocet and OxyContin... the fact is that oxycodone is a pretty short-acting drug ... and no way does it last for 8 hours. The normal dose that's in the PDR says 5mg - 10mg every 4-6 hours. Some people take 30mg or more as a dose .... Anyway, you can take more Percocet at either a higher dose or more often than 8 hours. Someone already talked about the Tylenol content in Percocet. Tylenol not good for your liver... can actually cause death if too much is used. Is your doc pretty strict with the amount prescribed or do you think that the doc would have an issue with a higher dose or a dosing schedule change? Another option would be changing from the Percocet to oxycodone without the Tylenol in it .. still you need a higher dose and to be able to take it more often...
I have a couple of suggestions. First of all, find out if your doctor will consider placing you on the "pain patch" (Duragesic, a fentanyl (sp?) pain med in gel form placed inside an adhesive patch). This medication (like those used to quit smoking) will deliver the pain medication over a period of time and, for me when I had severe back pain and before I had surgery, did quite well. The other suggestion would be to simply go on Oxycontin ER (time released Oxycodone) and, if you need it for break through pain, Oxycodone in a lesser strength. That's what I'm taking for chronic moderate to severe abdominal pain and the combination works perfectly.
Have any of you pain suffers considered medical marijuana? They now have marijuana pills that do not get you the "high" feeling and only the pain relief. Also ZERO negative side effects. I was prescribed 5/325 oxycodone for gallbladder removal and don't even want to take them because I know they're bad for you.
If you read the FDA-approved prescribing information for Oxycodone 5mg/APAP 325mg Tabs it states that the usual dose is 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours as needed for pain. So, no, it won't hurt you to take more than 1 tablet every 8hours. BUT - you will run out of pills "too soon" and your Dr might now write you a new prescription. Contact the doc, explain the situation, tell him/her that the dose is not controlling your pain. I would go from there ....
oxycodone is not a generic of percocet, oxycodone is the generic for roxicodone and percocet is oxycodone w/ acetaminophen and it is the acetaminophen that destroys your liver
Doctors seem to always under prescribe and it definitely causes a lot of patient suffering .
Drugs that say good for 4 to 6 hours never last that long , try 3 1/2 effectiveness at best.
Tylenol mixed with alcohol or too much will blow out your liver and kill you.
Taking one extra pill will probably not kill you. Just be warned that this drug can be very addictive. Just use your sense and consult your DR or there may be anonymous nurse lines to call where you are. Even ask a pharmacist. Be careful not to mix with other CNS depressants such as alcohol or benzodiazepines (xanax, Valium.)
Get well.
I take the same oxycodone 5-325 for post ACDF neck pain... My tolerance has me up to 6 pills a day... I have also found that the right kind of cannabis helps tremendously... If you NEED to, start slowly to avoid OD...
No! You can take more than one percocet every 8 hours. If your hurting that bad,but just know that your going to run out of your percocet faster by doing that!.. and your doctor will not be happy at all with you.If you do deside too do that. Just be very careful your on a very slippy slop...
Tell your doctor if he will precribed you 10/325 percocets instead of the 5/325's.
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