Penicillin Vk For Sinus Infection? (Top voted first)


My dentist has prescribed this following a root canal. 500 MG QID. I think that I may have a sinus infection. Will this help or do I need to see my regular dr. for a different antibiotic?

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Hello, Katie! How are you?

No, it should help. It is classified by the FDA as a broad spectrum antibiotic, so it can treat various types of infections. Its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea.

However, if your symptoms don't go away, after you finish your course of treatment with it, then you should consult your doctor, as it may not be the right antibiotic to help you.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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I was taking Penicillin Bk 500 mg for past 4 days, not helping... went to Dr I have a Sinus Infection therefore she prescribed me Amoxicillin 875 mg, hope this helps...Left Temple, Left Eye, Left Ear, & Left Gums PAINFUL

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