Peach V On One Side And 36 05 The Other (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have a new pill my dr called in it is oval orange V on one side and 3605 on other side shows it's Hydrocodone 7.5/325 I was previous on Hydrocodone 7.5/500 not sure why dr changed it! Is the 7.5/325 a stronger pill as I have severe back issues so wondering if that's y the change! Thanks!
2 Replies
The 325/500 is the amount of acetaminophen in the capsule. Most Dr.s will try to keep you on the lower end to avoid liver damage. Your pain relief should be the same.
Hello, Carolyn! How are you?
The ones with the higher amounts of Acetaminophen are no longer available. Since it does potentiate the action of the Hydrocodone, if you find it doesn't work as well for your pain, please contact your doctor, as they may need to change your dosage of it.
Is there anything else I can help with?
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