Passing A Drug Screen
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I used someone else's pee to pass a drug screen but some of my menstrual blood got in it and I'm wondering if its gonna make my screen come back positive for the drugs I've been taking.

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I took my second drug test for probation today and have been using synthetic urine. This time menstrual blood got into the cup along with the urine. Will this cause me to fail the drug test? I'm guessing yes because I take methamphetamine daily.

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Did u end up passing? The drug test

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I took a drug test today around 4 pm. I had methamphetamine the night b4 so I used fake urine but when I did the sample my menstrual blood got into the sample. Do think I'll come up positive?

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tappie, depending on how much blood got into the sample, you may have to retest anyway. Suggestion: Stay clean when you have to test.

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