Pass Urine Drug Test While Using Methamphetamine


I drug test today (URINE) for perenatal program relapsed last night.,,,have been doing good for awhile. Please explain step by step using the baking soda method to me. Do i drink cranberry juice too or just stick with baking soda and water? Do i have to only chase the baking soda down with water or i can drink soda too while getting it down then drink tons of water??

7 Replies

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Ok. Very simple. Here's how ya do the baking soda method. You wanna pass a piss quiz??? Ok. You wake up in the morning, tell yourself your not gona use. Do this for several weeks and when you need to take a urine test your NOT GONA FAIL!!! Also, cranberry is very good for your renal system and baking soda is great for chocolate chip cookies!

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If I was clean and then took 4 doses of methamphetamine at 3 o'clock in the morning, will i test positive 6 or 7 hours later? Will the baking soda trick work for me?

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I don't think the original poster was asking for a smart ass response. Besides that, it wasn't very amusing anyway.

So, take 2 tablespoons of baking soda and mix with 8 ounces of water. Drink. Follow it up with another 8 ounces of water. Be sure to test within 2 hours and pee twice before the test. Failproof.

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Re: Madison (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Hey, does this really work or are you just trying to make them feel better cause that smart ass answer from the other guy? I'm talking about the masking of methamphetamine with baking soda. {edited for privacy}.

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Same scenario. I have a urine test in 5 hrs. I took methamphetamine today. What's the best detox that really works?

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Re: Charlie (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I took methamphetamine up until this morning, figuring I was screwed when I saw my P.O. this afternoon. I decided to try the baking soda. 2 teaspoons with roughly 32 oz. of water 2.5 hrs before my UA. I also took 2 Vitamin B-complex last night and another one this morning. Other than that it was 4 aspirin 1.5 hrs prior to my test. I PASSED PASSED PASSED. Anyone who tells you this does not work is in denial. I had spent a total of $5 in all, instead of these $50-$75 cleansers.

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Re: Charlie (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Yes it work no bs.

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