Panclasa Pills (Top voted first)


pills to treat kidney stones

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I´m looking for information about panclasa (phloroglucinol) OTC

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looking for a cross reference for panclasa and where can i buy it, to buy here in the usa, seattle/lynnwood area Wa state

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I could probably get you as many as you want. I was just got a script here in Mexico and the Dr says it is 95% effective when used with Buscapina which I can also get you. Let me know if your interested. I have not started taking them yet but will shortly. The Dr. I went to was a specialist. I also live here.

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According to, Panclasa (Trimethylphloroglucinol and Phloroglucinol) acts as a weak anticholinergic agent that relaxes the smooth muscle in the ureter and biliary tract. As a result, it has some applications in treating irritable bowel syndrome and bladder spasms. Many of the studies reviewing use of phloroglucinol are several decades old.

From what I can gather, it's not available for purchase in the United States. There are many newer more effective treatments for the above indications currently available, which may explain why it is not something that has been pursued by manufacturers here in the United States. Phloroglucinol is also an organic compound that can be used in various chemical applications.

I hope this info helps!

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