Palpitations And Sleepless (Top voted first)


Was taking the eltroxin , and because of palpitations ,the doctor change me to euthyrox I have 12 days taking them but still have palpitations every night and sometimes through the day , I need help please

2 Replies

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Hello, Bale! How are you?

If you experienced such a side effect with one, it makes sense that you'd also experience it with the new one, since they both contain the same active ingredient, which is Levothyroxine.

Other typical side effects, as listed by the FDA, may possibly including headache, hair loss and weight changes.

However, unless there is some other problem going on, such as a heart issue, palpitations aren't usually anything to worry about. It is actually you just becoming aware of your heartbeat, when you usually aren't. In most cases, they are benign and though it may seem that your heart is pounding, it really isn't.

Have you had it checked out by a cardiologist to be sure, though?

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Thank you Verwon, yes they have been checking it and they don't see any problem, my doctor says I must take half today and following day full is been three weeks now

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