Pain My Back/neck (Top voted first)


My husband has a blood clot in his stomach he wants to take Celebrex also because he has back pain the doctor don't want him to take the Celebrex because it contain aspirin what else can he take can he take ultram

2 Replies

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Hello, Ga peach! How are you and your husband?

Celebrex does not contain Aspirin, it is just in the same drug family, so it can cause the same risks.

There are many other analgesic options available, but with that blood clot and his health, only his doctor is going to be able to tell what he can and cannot safely take.

What options did his doctor offer?

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Hi, For back/neck pain I think your husband should consider seeing a chiropractor for treatment. I don't know where you're from, but if you're anywhere near Centreville, VA... there's a good place called Centreville Family Chiropractic. The name of the doctor there is Joosung Park, D.C., M.D.

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