Pain Medication That Starts With The Letter T
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large yellowish capsule

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Hi, good to hear your a nurse. Mine should arrive by post today or Monday, please can I tell you about them and get your opinion? Kind regards

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Re: Bobco (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Tramadol is addicting and withdrawals are horrible!

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Re: Bobco (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Old thread, but, speaking of a purely psychological dependence, I must throw in my 2 cents, lol. So having been on tramadol for 3 years, I decided I'd had enough and just stopped. Call it narcotic, or non narcotic, I got so sick for at least a month. No craving issues at all, just abdominal, headache and body pains. For me, there certainly was a physical component to coming off. I am not the only one. These physical withdrawal issues have been experienced by people that have only used the med for a month! Again, no cravings, as with an opioid. But definitely physical withdrawal. This med is addictive, physically, but in my case no psychological dependence. So....Opioid? Not opioid? Don't know, but surely addictive.

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Nurse Michelle:

Tramadol name brand (Ultram) is not a narcotic. "I am a nurse and we have treated hundreds of people who are addicted to Tramadol." Lots of people become "addicted" to lots of substances which are not narcotics. Tramadol is categorized within the actual narcotics, in terns of its DEA scheduling and the functional use of Tramadol. Tramadol does not release any dopamine within the brain, (pleasure center), with the synapses to the Mu and u receptors of a true narcotic from the very mild codeine, through hydrocodone, to morphine, onto hydromorphone, all beginning at the latex gum of the opium poppy. Then you have the narcotics derived from the thebaine salt. Either derived from the opium poppy straw or produced chemically with no basis in origin of the poppy plant at all. This would be the "oxy" type analgesics oxycodone/tylenal combinations, aka Percocet to just plain oxycodone, Roxicet, (no tylenal), to the time release versions Oxycotin, and Oxymorphone up the grandaddy of them all the Fentanyl based analgesics all of which are truly narcotics, with dozens of other variations not mentioned.The narcotic medications flood the Mu, u and other similar receptors in the brain with varying levels of dopamine, with the resultant reduction in pain up to incredible levels of indescribable pleasure. The Thebaine derived Fentanyl has been legally prescribed in tens of thousands of prescriptions on a daily basis. Fentanyl used in surgical settings is measured not in mg but 1000th of that or micrograms to achieve a similar level of altered conscience.

Tramadol/Ultram, generic/Name brand, tries to trick the Mu, u receptors by stimulating them directly, hence in very mild pain scenarios it may succeed in re-leaving the patient's sensation of actual pain with zero dopamine release within the brain. As far as becoming addicted, sometimes tolerance to any medication to aid in the relief of pain, requiring either higher doses of the same medication, moving to another completely different analgesic, (most likely some form of a narcotic), an effort either through physical therapy, surgery or a combination of any other improvement in solving the cause for the pain, using diagnostic tools like X-Rays, fluoroscopic, MRIs, CAT scans, dog scans (joke), but most persons with "addictions to Tramadol/Ultram are in the nature of physiological addiction not the typical physical addictions of actual narcotic medications. I don't mean to diminish the patient who becomes even physiologically addicted, as they can be as difficult to resolve as the physical addictions, consider the tobacco/cigarette addict, given the drug Chantix, the physical component of their addiction is resolved, (the nicotine fix), but how many of those physiologically addicted smokers fail to meet the goal of quitting the addiction of smoking. You are reading the ramblings of one of those very addicts, a smoker, who quit a 14 year fentanyl 100 microgram per hr patch user, which was changed every 2 days, with 120 tabs monthly of hydromorphone for breakthrough pain, after a lapendectomy surgery from L3,L4,L5 failed to resolve the damaged nerves in my back. But 3 years ago, I survived a bout with ostiomyalytis in the very area of my major back pain L4-L5. L5 was 1/2 liquefied and L4 was just beginning to melt from the bottom towards the top of L4.

14 weeks of IV Vincomycin and an additional broad spectrum antibiotic killed the bacteria attacking these vertebrae and the bones began the process of re-hardening and the bone growth over the next 2 years formed a natural bone fusion, between L5 and L4, reducing my pain to the point where today I take 3, 10mg Percocets a day, with a 30 ct for 30 days of the tiny bit stronger 15 mg hydrocodone used for beak-through pain. I quit both the dilaudid/hyromorphone tabs and the 100ugram Fentanyl patches cold turkey from Christmas day, 2014 through March 1st of the following year (2015), with only Naproxen Sodium (OTC Alieve, 220mg/tab). But I was taking way too much of this NSAID like 12-15 per day. My PCP said from what I had experienced over the previous 14 years a little bit of oxycodone/tylenal wouldn't be a significant return to anywhere close to the narcotic lifestyle of the that 14 years. And I had to keep my NSAID use under 6, of the 220mg Naproxen Sodium per day. The infection in my back initiated in August 2014 and the IV pumps and the tunnel installed into my chest that they connected to were removed in late November of 2014. It is now June 2017 and I have remained stabilized since March 1st of 2015, to 90ct/month of 10mg Percocet tabs and 30ct/month of the 15mg oxyocodone IR tabs for days of pain not sufficiently resolved with just the Percocet. I am never pain-free. But the level of my pain now is dictated by how much I try to do, the weather and keeping my weight down under 225lbs, (I'm 6'1" tall). At 61 years of age, I've had my share of pain and learning how to make it as small a part of my life as possible with the least amount of narcotics to achieve that. Bur Tramadol / Ultram is classified as a type of narcotic for prescribing and DEA inventory and regulatory control, but it is not a narcotic.

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Tramadol name brand (Ultram) is a narcotic, I am a nurse and we have treated hundreds of people who are addicted to Tramadol.

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Tv 58 is tramadol aka ultram non narcotic pain med

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I have some medicine from a friend. It is supposed to be a painkiller. I m not so sure. The pill is white m oval shape with 2 letters mark on one side stating (TV and number 58 on the other side.

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Are there any markings on the pill? Numbers or letters? I would need more information about the capsule, in order to locate the correct medication.

Please post back so I can help you further.

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