Pain Management Doctors Who Will Prescribe Medications Around Richmond Or Mechanicsville Or Ashland Va (Page 4)
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I have Sciatica, Spondeliosis, Degenerative Disc Disease and Fibromyalgia in both my hips & legs, I have had 3 sets of nerve blocker injections that did not help. I had a herniated disc, in my lower back, (scar tissue has entrapped nerve in it), intractable back pain, I have been falling a lot at home or if I am out somewhere. I get very confused and short term memory is really getting bad which is a symptom of Fibromyalgia, I don't want to go anywhere, I rarely see my friends. I feel like my feet and legs are running and my body is not catching up. I have also last year had left shoulder surgery for small tear in rotator cuff, bone spurs leaning on rotator cuff, osteoarthritis and fluid around the arthritis, 1 month after this surgery: I have what feels like electricity shocks from my upper arm all the way down to my fingers. My left arm is literally useless. It is extremely hard for me to walk sometimes or even sit for any length of time. I am very depressed and cry a lot. I have applied for Social security Disability, denied twice and had a hearing which is under appeal at this time. I am taking Cymbalta 120 mg a day, Clonazepam 1 mg 3 x a day, Gabapentin 300 mg 1 per day, Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen 10/325 one tablet six times per day and amitriptyline 150mg at bedtime.
I need a good pain Mangement doctor in the Va area due to generated Dics stenosis of the Spine along with past Cancer If any one can help me I will be Grateful I'm on Oxycode 30mg an Dialautd 8 mg I can not go to my Dr in Baltimore anymore Please help me
Dr Carleton is NOT the one to see for pain meds. He won't let u go to any other Dr's for ur other medication and will try and reduce it down to nothing. I saw him for 8 months and finally found a great rheumatologist who isn't as cold as Carleton.
Don't know if anyone is looking for a Dr. that prescribes Subuxeon but there's an Excellent and Caring one in Richmond and is excepting new patients
I'd like the name of the doctor closer than fishersville asap thanx
Can u pleae please please give me the doctors name and phone number so that I can call and make an appt.? I have full records and have been a strict contract follower!!!!!!! My doctor had to have surgery himself and ive been left in a very dark place.... thanks in advance for your help.
Hello Helene,
I wanted to see if you could please reply with the name of the Dr. that you were speaking of that's located in Newport News area near Mary Mac Hospital that charges $200 /no ins. - Have you had any experience with this Dr for pain management? Or if you or anyone reading this can provide any info on a good pain management Dr. that will prescribe my current meds (30mg. Oxycodone & 10mg. Methadone) that I've been prescribed for past 10 years - Any info is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your time and help.
Chris, are you no longer seeing your pm doc? I am on medicaid and I cannot find a doc in the richmond area who will continue my previous medication of Norco 10/325 as I was prescribed in West Virginia due to a back injury which really needs surgery. I have herniated disc L4, L5, and S1. Also moderate degenerative disc. I drove all the way to Williamsburg virginia because someone on this site recommended I see Dr Bruce Mayer (Spelling) and he would not continue my previous medication he would only put me on tramadol so I have been in pain lately. Has anyone have any recommendations for a doctor I can see?
I would like his name and office number please. I have had back surgery twice and have been maintained well on Percocet 10/325 4 a day and methadone 10 mg 6 x a day. I have been on a contract and have never had anything in my urine other than what he has been prescribing me. thanks in advance for the info
Dr. Shridhar V. Bhat. 804-780-2610 location next to Retreat Hospital on N. Robinson St in Richmond. Any Internal Medicine Doctor will see you.
Hi, I am trying to help a friend find a pain management Dr, his is retiring. He has been on a very high dose of pain meds for many years due to very bad arthritis.. Many joint replacements. If you could pass along your doctors name & number it would be great and very helpful. Thanks.
You can send text with info also {edited for privacy}.
Does the Doctor in Williamsburg take any insurance? If so, please advise. Also, does he give drug panels each month?
you mentioned fishersville, va...
please let me know your doctors name and location... my pain doctor is 5 hours aways and need to know of some place closer...any help for locations in Virginia? Any locations please...
Helena, I would love to know who, where and charges for each visit. {edited for privacy}. Thank you so very much.
I know a dr closer than fisherville. Are we allowed to give each other our reg emails? Let me know if your still in need of pain dr. {edited for privacy}
Editor's Note: We apologize, but aside from a few (very) rare exceptions we cannot allow personal contact information to show up in the posts. This is to protect the privacy of our visitors.
You need to bring any records you have. he is a regular family dr, he is near the walmart in williamsburg, some folks call it lightfoot. his name is bruce mayor, he on rochambo road. {edited for privacy}. 757-566-2045 4622 rochambeau drive williamsburg 23188. he gives drug panels each visit. no inurance cost is 80 bucks, but if you have a mri within two years old, theres another dr in newports news near mary mac hospital. He wont take insurance, and he charges 200 bucks each visit. if anyone is interested you dont need a referral for him either
Please give me the name and address of the doctor in Williamsburg so I can see jst how fr away he is and if he takes my Insurance.
Thank you so much
Please give me the name of the Doctor in Williamsburg and also phone number and address.
Thank you very much
Hello, i would like the name and number for the doctor in williamsburg. I've had chronic pain for years. Thanks.
I will not give her name, only that her office is at Memorial Regional Med Center. Behavioral Health Management.
i would love to know the name of the dr. your talking about
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