Pain Management Doctors Philly Pa 19107
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Oxicode 30 mg my mom is dying in pain crys at night she gets regular painmeds . II dunno much but she needs stronger med less aspirin ... yes of the aspirin she spits up blood . I do no that they are better because I honestly got her one but her Dr won't up a med. Please HELP A SON HELP MOM. I HAVE A GOOD HEART N WOULD HELP ANYONE IN ANYWAY.. PLEASE I BEG U SHE DYING IN PAIN
2 Replies
I have a wonderful ..very experienced doctor who was director of the Pain and Palliative Care Beth Israel Hospital in NYC and has moved to Philadelphia as the Director of Pain and Palliative Hahnemann. Hospital part of Univ. Of PA Hospital. He is the BEST! I have intractable chronic pain condition called Ulcerative Interstitial Cystitis that most doctors don't treat much less are successful with their treatment. I have been with him since 2004 and have been without pain for ten years but still have to continue the medications. His name is Ricardo Cruciani and the telephone # is 215-762-6915 only see him. Not knowing where you live there is another hospital in Pennington, NJ called Capital Health and their telephone # is 609-537-7300. There is a Dr. Gonzallis and Dr. Alverez. And of course there is Beth Israel in NYC and their telephone # is 212-844-6000..Google any doctor you are interested in before you make an appointment. Your very best choice is Dr. Cruciani. I wish you luck. It is ridiculously hard to find any doctor who still prescribes opioids due to State and Federal regulations and Cruciani still does and probably Beth Israel.
Hello, Anthony! How is your mom doing? I'm so sorry that she's so miserable.
First, if she's spitting up blood, then she needs to seek medical attention immediately! That could be due to a bleeding ulcer, which will need treatment.
And what type of doctor has she been seeing? I think it would be better for her to see a specialist, such as a pain management doctor.
However, the issue here is that if she has an ulcer or something that is causing bleeding, that could me worsening her pain, so that definitely needs to be checked out.
The FDA classifies Oxycodone as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
What does she currently take that has Aspirin in it?
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