Pain Management Doctors Phila
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I have been on oxycodone for 15 yrs need new doctor because I moved pleased I have 3 herniated discs. I need a dr in phila cause that's where I moved
4 Replies
Dr. Ricardo Cruciani at Hahnemann Hospital in Philadelphia. He uses opioids and is director of Pain department .. He is the BEST !!
Spinal stenosis, fibromyalgia. Migraines. Severe lumbar pain and diff walking. I'm 65 on medicare. The pain is affecting adls. & causing some depression
I'll pretty much ask the same question, I have several hernitated discs and have been able to put off vertebrae fusion by use of opiates.
Along,, with back trbls (DDD) I have Fibromyalgia (24X7) pain - it is a (CNS -chronic illness); Lupus (another flare and remission PAINFUL disease and recently a slip and fall w/ numerous tears in my R knee, and I'm just starting the Orthopedic Surgeon process. With my many issues, my pcp has been my pain mgmt Dr, and I obviously have numerous reasons to have a dr who prescribes opiates (it's been the only way I can get minimal daily tasks done (and now with this most recent injury, I have a need for increased dosage,or a diff medication, etc. I have been very responsible w/ my dosage(s) and usages which is documented so I am not Dr shopping, just looking for someone who may be more exp directly with numerous conditions in the Del County Area, PA/DE state line vicinity, and Philadelphia is not out of the question. If it's a not a Dr, who prescribes opiates, I'm not interested. Too much pain, and I have tried all non-narcotic asked of me.
Hello, Chris! How are you?
Did you mean Philadelphia, PA?
In order for anyone to help you, you'l need to be more specific. Thanks!
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