Pain In Legs


i went to the doctors because of pain in both of my legs. the doctor said i had a high creatin level. said that it probley was the zocor and took me off the zocor. has any one heard of this happening?

5 Replies

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It is warned about in the severe side effects section of the Zocor prescribing information, the part that says if you experience this, see your doctor immediately. So yes, it could be from the Zocor, it will take awhile to get it out of your body system, but then once you are clean from it, you should see an improvement in your pain, if you don't then you will want to see your doc again ASAP!

Zocor Info Click Here

Less Common Zocor Side Effects
Reduced amount of urine passed, fever, unusual tiredness or weakness, muscle aches or cramps. Contact your doctor right away if you've experienced any of these Less Common Side Effects.

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Kathy, reread the original post, she says her doc, did indeed, take her off of the Zocor.

And if you read my post, where I included some side effect listings, you will see that this type of problem is listed under the section advising you to seek medical attention immediately as they are less common, but could signify some serious problems caused by the med.

So if you are having these problems as well, you really need to make it clear to your doc, print the info out and hand it to them if that is what it takes, and tell them you want off of it. There are other med alternatives that can be prescribed for you.

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i don't see anything wrong with zocor. I have been using zocor for the past 17 years taking it at bedtime. I had a cardiac arrest in 1991 and had a heart bypassed. After a year i shifted to zocor from imdur. though there was nothing rong with imdur i guess i just feel etter with zocor.just to let everybody know that before taking zocor i had an embolism from waist down and was not able to walk for 4 months since then i can walk 3-4 miles daily.

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i have severe both leg painful feelings. i am not able to walk some few steps. please get me a correct tablet name in my reducing leg pain.

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