Pain Dr North Georgia
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Hi. I have been going through a war now for years trying to manage my pain from my ruptured and bulging disk in my lower back. For years I just dealt with the pain. But about three years ago I was forced into a point that I had to work so I started going to a pain clinic in TN and after a year I moved to Florida for my husband to get treatment for cancer. When I moved I had enough of my meds for the month but I couldn't find a doctor to see me in time and ran out. I started with withdrawls and every doctor I saw down there didn't believe I was in pain. So I had no choice but to go to methadone for the withdrawls. Now two years later I'm trying to get off it and get back to a pain clinic. I've been going through withdrawal for 3 weeks and recently started getting migraines. I now have four medications I am taking and I'm getting no better and my back is just getting worse. I'm worried after reading about the methadone that it's going to still come up in the drug panel. I had a prescription so it's not like I was taking it illegally. But every place I have called won't see me since I was on the methadone. Even though it was for pain. I'm not an addict. Yes physically my body is addicted but I don't abuse and I still need it. But now I can't sleep and the migraine medicine made my withdrawls worse. I am angry all the time and crying the rest. I'm so frustrated. And scared because I've left doctors offices in tears. I am to the point that I feel like dying is better than this nightmare. My first marriage fell apart because I couldn't work. My current husband is great but he shouldn't have to support me and my children on his own. But I can't work without the pain medication. I wish there was a way to send all of our horror stories to Congress annonomously of course. But maybe if they realized how bad things are for those of us who need these meds maybe they would find a better way to fight the drug dealers than to put the rest of us through hell. I don't know what to do. If I go to a clinic and pay them $350 because I don't have insurance and the doctor doesn't help me I will flip out. We should not have to pay unless they actually do something. I am a canadate for surgery but can't afford it and I will not let the doctors put needles into my back again. It doesn't help but makes it worse.
6 Replies
Try krollcare. Nice and generous.
I can't say if they will and I'm not saying they can't, but if they do, it will most likely be some other medication.
Technically, they can, but most doctors are very reluctant to do so, due to possible addiction risks.
I really hope they do, I'd hate to see you not get the help you need.
So you're saying that the pain clinic I'm about to go to and pay them $350 will not help me?
I'm very sorry, but if there is, I am not aware of it.
Does anyone else know?
Thanks for the response. But the problem is the methadone does not help my pain at all. There has to be a way to get around this.
Hello, MJC! How are you? I'm sorry that you're in pain.
As to the problem you're having finding a doctor to treat you for pain, yes, it is due to the fact that you went to the Methadone clinic. Regardless of the reason you went, the fact that you were in an addiction treatment clinic is in your medical records. It is illegal for a doctor to prescribe Methadone for addiction/maintenance and, risky for them to prescribe opiates to a former addict. Doctors are under very close government scrutiny and doing so could risk their license to practice medicine, as well as fines and jail time.
Thus, you will actually most likely be better off staying with a clinic.
This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
Does anyone know a doctor in that area that might be wiling to help?
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