Pain Doctor That Take Medicaid (Top voted first)


I need a dr. that does pain management. I am on methadone and want to come off and go on another pain killer. I broke my back in 3 places and was in a body cast and had 2 surgeries for hern. disc and put screws and plates in the same ares l4 l5 my spine collapsed!!

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I need pain meds because I have sciatic nerve damage and lower back pain and arthritis really bad the pain comes from the right side of my body all the way down my leg

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What general area do you live in? That information might enable someone to suggest a good doctor, if they know of one. Without such information, it's hard, since this site is open to use by everyone, even those outside of the U.S.

Methadone is notoriously hard to ever get off of, since it is highly habit forming, most people end up taking a maintenance dose for life, even if they only take it to treat drug addiction.

Have you asked your current doctor about recommending someone?

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