Pain Clinic North Carolina That Does Not Require Referral (Page 2)
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I need a pain doctor that does not have to have a referral. meds needed asap.

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Marsha, Do you have a primary Dr. Need a referral.

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No, he retired in July 2015. I called today. I'm looking for a good doctor myself. I moved to fayetteville, north carolina from new jersey and am having a hard time. I was on 120 15mg oxycodone per month for various injuries including herniated discs and it worked great for years. I have no insurance and don't qualify for obamacare in this state. So as a result surgery or expensive treartments are not options. I can get a referal from my general practioner. i just need to find a doctor that takes people with no insurance and won't accuse me of being an addict.

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Is he still taking patients ? I need a Doctor Since my Doctor retired I have been in and out trying to find another Doctor. My back hurts so bad I feel lime screaming when I'm in a car and my knees are just done. Please if anyone can help me please reply.

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Is Dr Campbell in Clemons NC still taking appts for pain management, if not does anybody know of a doctor like Campbell that's notbscarred to write a prescription out.

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@Luciano Is Dr. Campbell a pain management physician? Does he practice holistic means/methods or does he prescribe opiate/narcotic pain medicines if necessary for long-term chronic pain? Thank you so much!!!

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Where is this doctor located I'm in cronic pain and have been in pain management for 10 years. My doctor just retired and I'm having a real problen with these va dr's

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Thank u so much it helped I have appointment

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Call 336-778-1950 ask for an appointment with Dr Campbell. since there a bit booked it will take like 2 -3 months and after they schedule you an appointment on the first visit he'll charge $180.00. after that it will be only $45.00. Show him any or all the medical documents that you have and he will give you that if that's what's good for you.. if not he'll give you something better.

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I need a pain Doctor that does not need a referral. I have chronic pain and arthritis and recurring pancreatitis.

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