Oxymorphone Er Not Enough Pain Relief
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I have been taking oxymorphone er 2 tabs a day, 10mg each. I have 26 vicodin 7.5/325 per month for breakthrough. It's not enough. Both knees and lower back hurt. I have suggested changing to oxycodone 20mg (for breakthrough instead of vicodin) 1 or 2 a day, or raise the dose of oxymorphone to 30mg, or 1 or 2 oxymorphone ir per day, Please, please I invite anyone to make a pain regimen for me, I have to do something!
3 Replies
I have lower back pain and it took about a year to finally find this combo but it works like a miracle. I take 1 40mg opana er, 2 350 mg somas, which are muscle relaxers, when I get up around 7:00 am. I take a 2mg bar of xanex around 10: 00 with a oxycodone 10 mg for breakthrough. I take another 10 oxy and 2 somas around 3:00 and I take another opana 40 er at around 7 pm. I finally take my 2mg bar of xanex and 1 soma and I sleep like a baby. It took a while for me to figure out what worked for me and of course build a tolerance. That would kill most people so be careful and hope you find a way to manage your pain...
Hi , Lisa ,
I m a Pain treating medical person , I treat all the pains W/O any type of pain killer , we try to find out why & where does pain come from ? Whats u r detail history !
Hello, Lisa! How are you doing? I'm sorry about the pain you're suffering from.
However, only your doctor can make a pain management regimen for you.
How long have you been taking the current dose of Oxymorphone? It could be that you've grown tolerant to it and need a dosage adjustment.
Learn more Oxymorphone details here.
This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
What type of doctor are you working with?
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