Oxycontin Tablets
UpdatedI was prescribed both Oxycontin & Oxynorm in 2006 for chronic back pain in 2006, as you would know our system builds up a tolerance to opiods. I ended up on 80 mg of Oxycontin, twice per day & 20 mg of Oxynorm 3 times per day and other meds also. I was still in pain, I believe the weather also effects pain. I slept most of the day & night and had no quality of life and terrible memory loss. It is now 2013 & In the last 2 years I have invested in a infa red sauna, a spa set at hydro temp 40 degrees & a TENS MACHINE. As you would all know as time goes by our body becomes immune to the dosages & pain specialist just keeps increasing the dose. I have gone through un describable pain to reduce my medications myself slowly with the help of the tools mentioned. I would advise all to do the same as you all would know a certain dose works for so long & then our body gets use to it and the doses get higher & higher. No-one but a chronic pain sufferer understands what they can't see. In the last 2 years I have managed to cut down to 30 mg twice per day of Oxycontin & 20mg of Oxynorm once a day only. I use valium for break through pain. My advice to you all is "ask yourself" do you have a life on these medications? Is it hard? YES there are days where I am crippled with pain, and by using sauna & spa many times per day I will continue to slowly reduce my medications further. The medications help, but we only exist using them with NO QUALITY of life. Even on the higher dosages if I was not sleeping I was in pain, and pain would & still does wake me often. I lost many friends & family whilst on 80 mg twice per day of Oxycontin, & Oxynorm 20 mg 3 times per day. Also, many more medications for the side affects. I no its hard but I urge you to all do the same. Because over time you will all experience that our body becomes so use to the drug pain specialists increase it giving us no quality of live at all. My husband passed away last year and I am on my own but I am determined to continue decreasing these medications. Ask yourself, has your dosage increased, then it does not help, so it's increased again. Sadly we will never be PAIN FREE but if we are sleeping our life away & still in pain on high doses where will we be when like myself reached the highest doses that could be given. We have become legal drug addicts. Like many of you I have gone through so much pain, have lost the person I was and live a life of existence without quality. I struggle with pain daily, but I now am back in the world of the living. On the higher doses I was a dead body. Pain became Boss. Now I am the Boss. We have to painfully help ourselves as some of you will know the dosages our bodies get use to. For anyone on low dosages, For your own sake DO NOT allow the medications to take over your life. If I can do it you can too.
2 Replies
Hi Michelle,
Thank you for your input! I think many will be able to relate to your post. It is true that Oxycontin and other medications of the like can cause serious addictions even if the medication isn't being abused.
Something needs to change. So many are unaware of the alternatives that are available, or they simply can't afford them. Hopefully the day will come, when insurance companies will cover holistic therapies like acupuncture. Also, certain essential oils have also proven to be quite effective for treating pain.
Do you have any experience with either of those treatment methods? I can provide more information for anyone who may be interested!
Hello and thanks for reply I have tried all there is to try believe me, also bought many products & anything that relates or offers pain release. I have tried some oils to no avail and would be interested in any that you cam personally recommend.
I agree if the Insurance company, work care, TAC could help much more I have had to fight for all including a simple shower chair, of which I fell through the shower three times prior to them approving one. They simply do not care. Again thank you
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