Oxycontin Refill Guidelines (Top voted first)


What are the refill guidelines for oxycontin? Can they be filled one or two days early?

2 Replies

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It really depends on your pharmacy, it can be filled a day, or two early, technically, but some pharmacies won't do so, thus it is best to ask them the next time you are in to pick up a medication.

The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation, and dry mouth.

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I was under the impression that cds II like OxyContin where not refillable. If you mean a new "written hard copy" most pharmacies will give you a problem unless it's the day the previous rx was scheduled to be complete. If you have a long lasting relationship with an independent pharmacy they can often grant you a day or two exception on occasion but not as a matter of routine. These are powerful narcotics that may be habit forming and run the risk of diversion. That's why regulatory bodies restrict the dispensing of this class drug.

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