Oxycontin 80 Mlg (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I am wondering if there is a manufacturer of oxycontin other then purdue? I am taking oxycontin 80 mlgm, and purdue has changed the medication, and it does not work for me with what they have done to it.

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No there is no more OC in any mgs. Perdue has gone to the OPutty, I also have all of the same side effects. I am trying to get the study that Perdue did before placing the OP's on the market. It was a knee jerk reaction to all of the abuse that was going on by the people that did not need Oxycontin. I have no problem with the people that may have abused the OC's to get their pain under control because of the tolerance that we have built up in our bodies,So yes there are days that taking the pill the way that it was meant to be taken did not do as well for the people that have chronic pain.It may be wrong to say this but then again people that have to live in Pain everyday some times you have to take measures to get some relief. I really hope that with enough of us Chronic Pain People that it just might force Perdue or somebody to make a pill that will work as well as the OC's did once again.I am taking two 60mg and two 80mg a day and I can tell you this much,It is bad enough that I live in pain but now I live with an upset stomache and reflux that could stop a tank in its tracks along with more pain then I had when I was taking the OC. To all of us that really need to take this medicine we need to keep the pressure on Perdue to find a better way of making this pill so we can once again have some sort of better Quality Of Life! I sometimes wish that some of these Companies could live for 48 hours in our shoes. I bet that there would be a push to build a Better Mousetrap so too speak. The only way to do this is to keep complaing and I know that most of us are not the type too complain but we need to do this so we can be heard!!!! I also would like to see a better way of subscribing Oxtcontin.I had a family given Oxys for wisdom teeth removal! I was furious about it! I strongly feel that this is not what this drug was meant for. It was meant for Cancer and Chronic pain that will not get better,not for something that will go away in a week or two! So maybe we need to get better laws on the books to perserve the rights of us who suffer everyday with out any end in sight for our pain and suffering?

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Oct. 7, 2010 Pfizer purchase King Pharmaceuticals $3.6 billion investment emerging class of painkillers designed to be less addictive than older pills such as Oxycontin. King's EMBEDA became the first tamper- resistant medication to win approval from the FDA. Embeda aims at the morphine market. Now the main ingredient in Remoxy and Acurox is oxycodone, both have been designed less vulnerable to drug abuse. Oct. 19, 2010 Purdue Pharma donated $200,000 to the National Association of State Controlled Substances Authorities for grants on RX monitoring programs since State budgets are shrinking but the abuse of prescriptions is a growing concern and trying to keep these drugs out of the wrong hands, while ensuring legitimate patients have access to the medications they need. Drugstorenews.com

I keep saying that all these large Phama's Purdue, Endo, Pfizer etc. are taking over so their patents can be kept in hand while people suffer. And these big Drug Stores are also buying up the distributors like Ethex etc. to be used for Pharmacies like Walgreens etc. If yu can get your Dr. to give you a IR med. You may have to take them every 4-6 hours and do make sure they convert them properly. They almost killed me converting me to Opana Er 5mg every 12 hours than to 15mg IR oxycodone every 6hrs from 160mg oxycotin I thought I was going to die. twice in a month. Now 30mg IR 5 times a day but as you can realize it should be 6 a day not 5. I never understood in my mind but this is how it is. I went into my Doctors Office a Patient and he turned me into a Drug Addict. And I followed his instructions to the letter. I have been going to the same Clinic since 1999 and put my life into their hands. And within a month's time they could have killed me twice. Oh and my pharmacy gave half my script of OC's and OP's 30 each. They made their money. I don't know how a class action law suit is started but everyone with a prescription should be notified if one does just like all class action suit do. I continue to keep a log since this has happened to me for that day. As I told my doctor, even everything that they did to me. This so called Pain Mangement Doctor even tried to put me on another chemcal called Suboxane which I now hear they are trying to do to everyone. I can not afford to keep having reactions to their lab rat experiments. OP's had me vomiting up this jellyfish sticky substance while the Opana ER caused the most terrible pressue headache threw out my whole head and then finally to 15mg of IR oxycodone (total of 60mg a day) from 160mg a day. I told him I do not want to try another chemical that I really know nothing about nor did HE. If anyone hears of a law suit please post. And do complain to the FDA med/watch. But also see if your doctor will give you another drugs but in the correct conversion and post your bodies reactions to US and of course to your Doctor.

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purdue has profited billions off oxycontin, while virtualy ellimenating heroin.. This was done with the full knowledge of the government who shares approx half of the 10 billion plus generated by purdue who is in the 50% tax bracket. not to mention the convience of eliminating afgahnastans revenue of their chief export being popy and/or opium, which all true opiates including heroin are derived from. Opium is not needed to manufacture oxycontin which is a full synthetic. Purdue had planed to reformulate by 2002 under pressure fromFDA, untill we went to war w/ the middle east. In closing my point is the ineffectivness of the new op is deliberate and calculated hopefully to convince the fda that there is no substitute for the original formula forceing the inevitable reintroduction of OC.

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OP Victim,I agree and disagree about the heroin, I say this because of two things,In the city of Philly Pa. it is rampant and even more pure then it has ever been! Second I have a son who has done 5 tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan and while serving in Afghanistan he was order to guard a huge field of Poppy! The Field was owned by a high ranking member of the leadeship that the US wanted to put in power. So Heroin is still around Oxys are the preferred drug because 68% of the abusers SNORT the Oxys. compared to the Heroin user injecting it.I also agree that the Goverment will soon step in when Perdue starts to lose its strangle hold on the pain killer market,Lobbist will if they are not already getting members of Congress to get the FDA of their backs. A Few trips here or there to Vale Co. or the Exotic islands around the world,will persuade people in high places to step in. Like I said before this was a knee jerk reaction to put a band-aide on a problem.So I agree with you on the point of there is NOTHING LIKE THE REAL THING!

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Purdue has donated $200,000 to the NASCSA . Which is designed to support state perscription drug monitoring program. I have also stated in other comments that Purdue along with Endo, Pfizer have been trying to strangle hold the pain industry while tagging along with the GOV. and DEA and FDA. All of these companies PATENTS were about to expire. Endo's 2 years ago and they came out with TimerX to add to the products which ut a brand new PATENT on Opana ER and they will do it to anything that will make money. Pfizer has bought King Pharmaceuticalsfor $3.6 billion for an emering new class of painkillers designed to be less addictive than older pills like Oxycotin. Embeda was approved with the extra ingredient NALTREXONE which neutralizes the effect of morphine if crushed or chewed. Analysts were disappointed by sales-just $15 million the frist quarter. Their Remoxy and Acurtox is oxycodone with Embeda to pervent chewing from a thick liquid and the Acurox has inside a gel to trap and burn if snorted.Wht I'm showing is everytime they the big GIANT PHARMA's change their product they hold the PATENT. They are also buying up other companies smaller than them and the distributors also , like Purdue has bought Ethex Distributors and so on and so on. I'm not heae to help the real addicts or these sellers but for me I can't keep adding these new products because of reactions to my body. I believe in the saying now I CAME TO YOU AS A PATIENT WITH MY QUALITY OF LIFE IN YOUR HANDS AND YOU PERSCRIBED THESE MEDICATIONS AND THEY WANT TO SAY I'M AN ADDICT. My doctors changed my 160mg Oxycotin a day to Opana ER 5mg twice a day, because of the horrible reaction the 1/2 a script of OP's did to me fine for the first 1/2 in the bottle cotton between the 2. But the conversion from what I was taking to what they gave me could have killed me. Than the PM Dr. gave me 15mg of IR Oxycodone 4 times a day another bad conversion. So twice they could have killed me. I hd 2 conversions done on both med changes with results that they were way off. Now since I have kept all my paper work and a daily log they also know I will sue Purdue in a suit and thats why I'm collecting all my info. I am now on 30mg IR Oxycodone 5 times a day not the full 6 30mg that I really should be on. But at least I'm not vomiting or having large swollen knots on my face ,head, ears, under my armpitts, which were quarter size at least. And I am dealing with the way less pain. Nor the withdralls as they call them. Plus Opana made me sick can't take Kadian or Maethadone which in my opinion is the worst and the low of the low because of the price $$$$ they can get away with so they push it. Some people have no problem with it. But for me it causes horrible problems. All of you please keep a log on what your experiencing . What the OP's did to you what you had to go threw to try out a new drug and so forth. If the Class Action Law Suit comes you should be noticed by the ones handling it. All of this has really come down to money BIG MONEY for our GOV. also. We also have another oversea's watching those fields and for that exact reason. Where do You think that these drugs start from anyways.So Big Business are really the enemy with FDA DEA and GOV. playing tag together. I typed another one of these but it didn't show up WHY?

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I am so happy that you see what the Pharm. Companies are doing. They keep the patent on their meds and when the time gets close for other companies to be able to make a generic brand Perdue just makes a small change in the Med and say that it is NEW AND APPROVED or what ever, this stops other companies dead in their tracks from making a Generic,! They get a new patent and they keep the market cornered! We get all the side effects and LESSER QUALITY OF LIFE,as they keep MORE $$$$$$$$$ coming in.Also you are right we all need to keep track of our pain.This way when a Class Action Suit does come which I am sure it will we have our Guns Loaded for the super high priced Lawyers that the Pharm companies have on their pay roll!

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Ther are many online spots to get rxicodone to replace the oxycontin. its instant release tho so you may need to use it differently. I have scripts for vicodin 10s I use and some benzos. now some of the sites are underground but if any info is needed let me know, this is for people with no options for relief that need to go another route cause purdue screwed everybody and hard doctors that dont want you to have relief you need. Im no rep for anybody so dont get the wrong I dea. I just have knowledge. pain is not nice to live with and if people need relief well then get it is my belief. Im a lucky one to have a great doctor but sometimes I need things for breakthru pain so I use othe methods. I hope all have a pain free evening and by the way Im new here so enlighten me if Ive broken any rules, Im just a human like everybody else thats in pain. hope to get to know everyone here, I also hope to help and recieve help as well. op 80 are terrible and a waste. pyrdue will find this out when the get close to broke when nobody wants them. Thats my belief about oxy and purdue. Thanks ...DD

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deserthawk218, YES I am using them as prescribed. BUT I don't want to wait an hour and a half for them to start working! You must be obiviolous to pain that needs to be taken down! Now I am in some kind of pain 24/7.

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Recently after going to my Family doctor with complaints of much increased body pain, headaches, and generally an all over feeling of not good. He sent me to the hospital and had me get blood work and x-rays and other tests, then got me back to his office and spoke with my pain management doctor, they agreed I was having withdrawal symptom's. So he wrote me a prescription for 30 mg. Roxicodone and expedited a later visit with pain management. I stopped taking Oxycontin OP am doing better. My pharmacist and Doctor both called the DEA for advice and were given very abstract answers that really led them no place other then a statement of: NO DOCTOR or PHARMACY will be bothered as long as treatment has a medical a necessity. Although they DEA claimed it is not their policy of singling out Doctors for review (sic) and they (DEA) also don't practice medicine, and they don't want to stop a person in pain from getting proper treatment and medication if needed. The environment they have created in concert with the phamsitical companies is committing exactly what they claim they don't want to do. This is crazy. What they really meant to say was as long as after the DEA reviews a case if it is agreed that treatment given meets medical necessary then the Doctor has no fear of further scrutiny, The translation here is, YES THE DEA IS LOOKING OVER THE DOCTORS SHOULDER and he had better beware of this. If you were a doctor how many prescriptions for anything would you write if you were subject to this kind of daily HARASSMENT and what happens the the people who need medications of all types? Regardless of what people have done and continue to do to abuse prescription medications, unadulterated medication MUST be made available to those of us that need them. It is the responsibility of the medical/pharmaceutical profession to find a way not mine nor other persons who have come to rely on medication to gain a sibilance of normalcy in their life. I was doing decently well for more then 10 years and since this recent change I had great difficulty. The fact that I had my prescription continue at same dosage and then go into withdrawal with the new OP shows me I was not getting proper medicated release from the Oxycontin OP. Then the pharmacy (I agree totally with them) had to get involved, when I came walking in with a prescription for 720 30mg Roxicodone pills. As it is now I am doing okay, however they ( doctor and pharmacist) are searching for a medication that could help me. In the past I had been prescribed every ER type of medication available and the only thing that has helped was the Oxycontin OC pills now they don't exist any more. I feel let down by law enforcement and the drug companies, but commend the doctors and pharmacists for their efforts. What I don't understand is there are plenty of medications that are abused by drug seekers and addicts should all of these also be removed from market? Should we scrap all healthcare because of criminal activity? If so the list of medications that should be removed is vast. And if a person takes the argument that it protects children and young people. Then lets add tens of thousands of other ways we can protect children and scrap the constitution bill or rights while we are at it. I am entitled to get proper pain management treatment. I pity all those in my situation especially those who have no one to help them seek a resolution to their needs. I have many times see doctors cower and run from any patient who needed pain medication those doctors should burn their shingle and become a valet driver. But is is easy to understand why they have become the way they are.

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Welcome to Fasc Concepts last posting of the International Boycott Of The Arabic Drug Empire Phase 4

Why do I keep up the fight even though this War is coming to a end > to make sure our children will never see such issues again and will never be in a War based on lies, hope fully no Wars at all.... As Government Officials see for the first time, now their job are in danger and more will be voted out of Office, this Matrix of the Net has brought millions of people from all over the world, protesting a concept of a New World Order, but hey you guys on both sides have put a smile on my faces and millions of Americans, It is the voice of the People in America that guides the destiny of this Country, and is in forced by Constitutional Law. N.A.T.O does not dictate Policy in The USA.

I have been asked to show this evidence against this War and links to the Purdue Pharmaceutical Company. Well, I hid it in plan site because there are to many site posting with Fasc Concept just to make money. We do not except money, this keeps those at bay and limits interference. My system has been under the attempts of hackers, but rest assure thanks to yahoo.com and other programs my system is protected. So if any one post asking for a money drive under Fasc Concepts by Henry Massingale report them at once.

Now here we go, The Purdue Pharmaceutical Company Paper Trail, and links to 9/11. Please note that this will be my largest 10x10 postings for the International Boycott Of The Arabic Drug Empire Phase 4. This is to show a people in distress in Afghan and the United States Of America, because of heroin.

This inter net search of { Pharmaceutical Company / FDA and/ United Nations/ 9/11 Paper Trail } will show all the reports, of how at first the poppy plants were being destroyed by USA and N.A.T.O. but only enough heroin left untouched in order to supply the worlds needs. Then the Afghan Drug Lords order the destruction of USA and N.A.T.O. Controlled areas. One must see how this so called forbidden apple has caused the failures of countries and lives for over 4000 thousand years.

Below is a interface, in order to bring all the voices as one, united is a goal. How do you help. Take 60 seconds of your time and share, tweet it because as now this Boycott of the Arabic Drug Empire is being shared by a lot of people. It is your children that showed me the way, and they ask for help. Because of this Pharmaceutical Heroin is killing their friends and family, their stories echo through out this Country, and I dont know about you all, but hey these children are right and Government Officials are finding out how powerful the uniting of the voices is all about.

I give my thanks to all of you, without your help it would be a lonely road.

sin., Henry Massingale

INTF below.........

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TLS 1.0, RC4 with 128 bit encryption (High); RSA with 1024 bit exchange/38gb

Mission Statement and Core Values/Created by: The Outsider/ byMassingale United Internet Advertisement/ Programs/18bt/interace/enabled /

The following is only catch searchs on google/yahoo/aol/msn/bing./interface/optt/

International Boycott of the Arabic Drug Empire

Healthcare vs.9/11

International Boycott Of The Arabic Drug Empire Phase 2

International Boycott Of The Arabic Drug Empire Phase 3

Purdue Pharmaceutical Company/FDA and/ United Nations/ 9/11 Paper Trail

Oxycodone, Oxycontin is linked prostate problems in men

52 States File Lawsuits Against Purdue Pharmaceutical Company

Purdue Pharmaceutical Company is Officially linked to 9/11 Terrorist Attack

Disease Control Center Warns Oxycontin Use/Disease Out break

Oxycodone, Oxycontin linked to economy failure

Pharmaceutical Company Purdue vs. The Children Of The Damned'

International Boycott of the Arabic Drug Empire Phase 4

Oxycodone, Oxycontin linked to Crime Increase

Oxycodone, Oxycontin linked to 9/11 Constitutional Laws Broken

Data feed back Fasc Concepts ranked 15 out of the top 25 Companies / Internet searches in the USA, linked post 121,000/ data feed back not updated 30,000,000 viewers world wide / 11,677 visits main site/129 days.

Henry Massingale / FASC Concepts in and for Pay It Forward covers the web post on google Drop by and see why we built a anti crime / war form in a Health Care Reform Concept. To strategically Rebuild America www.fascmovement.mysite.com on google look for page 1 american dream official site

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I see a lot of websights offering Oxycodone/Oxycontin for sale. Are they generic or what?

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I have been taking this medication for many many years. I take six 80's a day. I have had two surgeries within the past month and have had no relief with this new OP med. Does anyone know what med would be compatible? I am filing a complaint tomorrow with Purdue Pharm.

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To Dissy D, thanks for your information but it looks like you haven't seen my other emails to this site. I have a shoulder injury that CANNOT be fixed via surgery. Now the kicker is that I have liver diesease so I can't even take a tylenol. I am so limited as to what I can and cannot take. The new oxy's are a waste of time and money. I am also disabled, called Purdue and got the same run around that so many others have got. I'm gonna file with the FDA but I think it will be a waste of time. I am sooo sorry for the cancer patients, my pain is disabling, even trying to get dressed, but can't even imagine the others. I will pray for all of you. Purdue has no intention of bringing back the old oxy's, thank you junkies. If there is a class action suit going on or will be, please advise me, I will jump on board within a heart beat. Let me know. So I will continue to suffer along with the rest of you.

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I Just left my Doctors office,after spending several weeks in pain due to the new OP's,I asked him about them and if anyone else has complained about the pills and he told me that a lot of Doctors are complaning about them and they want to repeal the PUTTY that they are trying to pass off on the people that really need them. I am all for some sort of method that will make these pills less tamper proof,but I really think it should be done by stronger laws as I have stated before.
I was also told that my back and neck disc's are getting worse.So I am headed for more back surgery and now neck surgery due to compressed and bulging discs.There is one small problem,I also have calcium growing over my spinal cord! That is intertwined with nerves! So it would be like trying to cut small wires that are incased in cement making more nerve damage very real so if ever I need these pills to work it is NOW, So I hope that the FDA,Perdue along withgoverment offices will have a good look at the data and and complaints logged about it will bring about a better pill and not this putty that works for some but not all of us that have what I call the silent majority or those who live with serve chronic pain.

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As time goes forward, and the death of over 100,000 Americans because of Oxy Heroin, and a Drug deal gone bad between Ben Laden and his Drug Lords, as American Companies attempted to take over this Heroin Empire, this takes my mind back to a past so old, when a Man loved a Woman, and he allowed heroin into China, this Country of China and its economy was almost destroyed.
Reports now from all over the world is now being put together of how this Heroin Health Care Concept for pain has killed over 500,000 people in the last 10 years. This data being collected is not put together yet, and now as time is in a fluks some say that their is a evil bound to this heroin, from around 6000 years before Christ.
Here in Tennessee the line is being drawn , and this Purdew Pharms is in deep trouble not because I had the courge to point the finger, it is your children that show me the way, and I take faith in these children that I do not even know. They die in this war, and in part of why we are in War and the Attack on 9/11/2001 was based on a lie,
I do thank all of you for your in put and all I ask is to Pay It Forward, because this War within such Issues will never take place again and this issue of American Gold being paid to the enemy / Afagan Famers for heroin is over.
Fasc Concepts does cover the Web as a dirrect challenge against the United States Government Officials, and the most Powerfull Drug Empire in the World. and I give my thanks to the thousands of new friends across this world...
sin Henry Massingale

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Henry Massingale -It might be a good idea if you got some facts straight..It was opium that was brought to china not heroin.
It was brought in as a way to control the masses and keep a tax on the people by the british government.
How this relates to a medication I fail to see...If you wanted to make a good point that might be simular look to a church that mandates a woman must have baby after baby no matter how she got inpregnated. And then deny her health care and support to raise her children.

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Mr Massengil
Are you sure you're not amped up on some kind of dope yourself? Because I read your paragraph 3 times and nothing, not a word of it made any sense. If you have some kind of point to make please do so in a coherent manner so we readers can understand just what the hell it is you're talking about. Thank you.

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Yea sure dial 1-800 DEA AGENT or the other line is

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Wow, nope I do not use drugs, I am dyslectic only, and my facts are right on the mark to the point that now Attornies from different States are posting Fasc Concepts, in a Constitutional Law Suite over this mess. And yes, in China the Babilonans brought Heroin into China.....
You see even if I stood alone without any supporters I, I would win, if the courts ruled against me, they would lose because of the truth, and if the Courts ruled in my behalf they lose.
This Country will failter into another default because of this Heroin, and this will not be allowed.
These Heroin fileds will be destroyed by us or the people of Afghan because as of now our goals have reached a people who are tired of this War Over Drugs.
But hey I do thank you because you two are the first to challenge the International BoyCott Of The Arabic Drug Empire.
As for RX, I remember them from when I was a child, hopefully they will become that name of which people could trust in, because they know that a truth about Oxy Heroin, was not released to the public as heroin, but under a different name OXY, I have a lot of people who are important Officials, state they did not know Oxy was Heroin.
Fasc Concepts has grown Beyond Government Control or approach just like in the days of R/7-14 Pain Pills, Oxy Heroin will be Illeagle again.
Who am I just a man a painter by trade, that the failures of this system has come into my life and I am in this Matrix of the net, and to tell you all the truth, I am one of few for the lack of Government insite to cause any failures in my world and now I see that of which I do not wish to see or know,
No my friends, this heroin deal with Afghan Drug Lords is over and this War......
sin Henry Massingale

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OKAY! I now have proof that the new Oxy Puddy is not as good as the old Oxy C, I went to get my monthly supply from my Pharmacy,I take 2 60mgs and 2 80mgs a day,Well my Pharmacy had the 80mgs but not th3e 60mgs,So they called around to a few of other places and they sent me to get the 60s filled at this one pharmacy. I came home and the next day I took my meds as the day went on I took one of my 60s during the afternoon and within 20 minutes I felt a lot less pain! I went and looked at the pills and here I had OCs in the 60mgs ! What a huge difference. I have spent the last two months with break thru pain more then I ever had since taking the new OPs. So they can't tell me there is no difference,there is!!!! So I have a months supply which equals a better month for me. I almost want to hoard them so I can use them on the really bad days. So Perdue your new pills are not as good as the old OCs!

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