Oxycontin 80 Mlg (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I am wondering if there is a manufacturer of oxycontin other then purdue? I am taking oxycontin 80 mlgm, and purdue has changed the medication, and it does not work for me with what they have done to it.

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Why is the bottle from the pharmacy shown where the Manufacturer is ECO, not Perdue and below is a line which states, quoting- substitute for Brand Prescription Oxycontin
Sound like a generic to me

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You don't really give enough info to ascertain if you have generics or not. Where did you get the script filled? How long ago? What do the pills look like. If they are indeed generics then I suspect they are old. The FDA stopped generic oxycontin from being distributed and manufactured about 2 years ago so if these are generics they have sat on the shelf of your pharmacy for 2 years, most medicines lose potency after awhile.

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I Take them in 80 and 60 mgs, I was hit by a Semi truck and broke every bone in my body.except doe my neck. I was thrown 100 yards down the highwaynI have a metal hip and a plate holding my pelvis together along with a few other things from the hardeware store.

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Generics were taken off because of Purdue but Purdue is, until there gone, from the Distibutor ETHEX and Walgreens, still while supplies last, on the shelves of Walgreens. i wad told that in California .Somona County, that all were not coming back by Ethex the distributor and only Purdues OXY PLASTIC'S (OP) were only what they will carry!(WALGREENS) Ethex did this for Purdue which I do believe Purdue own's Ethex Co. now. And Opana er or ir all contain goop. No more IR's either. The more I look at the Drug companies, thats were the info. lies, what has been discontinued.(IR0 unless filled with goop ,you'll not recieve any other way. If i'm wrong hurrah hip hip but it sounds like it might be the way to come, Well its up to those who break down this formula and make these people lose again and take back your lives.

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somebody has to do something,op 20 is useless for my pain.Pharmas change is going to cause people to take their on lives cause they cant stop the terrible pain.This needs to sweep the nation,they have done a terrible thing to in my case a disabled vet,I cant belive it I might as well be taking a asprin

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Redwolf, since you are a Vet. and are getting oxycodone already, the 20 is that 20mg er. that would make it OP's. Go to your Doc. and have him put you on anything but Methadone. For myself i have the problem of what they put into any drug or even capsules I have to test out also. Its not to good my reactions. Metal,plastics,oranges, and now bee stings! My doctor has not been up to par for me and their a pain clinic. I took 80mg oxycotins for 3-4 years. Everything was fine. Yes iI still had times when pain would come threw but i knew that for me to keep it in control (in my mind) was the right thing to do until it came down to over powering my trying. Anyways , the Doctor I had to go to is the head of PM. He looked at my chart on the PC screen and looked back at my urine tests for about 4 months worth. And wanted to try the fentenal patch but I couldn't have that plastic on my skin. So I hae been given 15mg IR oxycodone 4 x day and its not enough at all but will be seeing him in 2 wks on the 15th. Where I can tell him I am not getting sick on these pills but the medication only lasts maybe 3-4 hours. And isn't taking the pain away enough and giving my life back like the 80mg of the original oxycodone did. Will see, but for you if your Vet Doc will listen than talk. If your urine test are in order He should listen. Hope everything goes well for you and all the other like us. Its the BIG INDUSTRIES that need a big pill shoved down thier throats. Endo and Purdue have been buying up all the other businesses. Take a look everyone, just use your PC and bing or whatever you go to. Look up what those 2 companies have been buying up. you will be surprised and were left to suffer.I was told to look up Hatch-Waxman Act. It has to do with the pills must be what they say they are I think? haven't looked it up yet.

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Thanks P I talked to my mental health worker today she wants me to file an offical complaint to the VA.Shes standing beside me and her purpose is the stress the pain causes when the 20 op x3 dont help causes greater stress with PTSD.I'm 100 P&T combat Marine and tests are all in order.I have not abused what I needed and it only just worked,I could get by but with lots of breakthru pain.Im facing double hernia surgery in Nov,Hep C treatment (chemo) for 48 weeks and then back surgery and then knee surgery and then oral surgery.Fun and games never stop and because of the Liver problems they say i contacted in blood to blood when woumded in Vietnam in 68 I can't have a buffer in my meds.I was offered methadone.The 20 op caused some dizzy spells and light upset stomach and 8 hours later some mild relief that was short lived.Best of luck

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OOOOH RedWolf, chemo for Hep-C (or Interfearion) or however thats spelled! Anyways Methadone really is not anything good. If because of the Hep-C no fillers, than IR oxycodone would be better. But your VA really has a very hard time doing that. O from me to you , thanks for going there for people like us, my towns guys came home and we lost them after from one thing or another. Anyways back to hopefully what I hope can be done for you would be finding the correct replacement. My youngest son's Dad has Hep-c and the VA gives him Methadose but he doesn't listen to anyone and drinks, so his stomach is like a pregnant women ready to give birth and one could bounce a quarter off it. They VA, wont give him anything but that and its not a productive drug because it makes anyone look like a drug person and takes the hours of a day away from you. But VA likes it because its really the cheapest drug to dispense And other things from that WAR. For myself my body cant recieve the binders in drugs. And thats the hard part for me. My body reacts from them. Finally found the Oxycotin 80mg did very well on them then 1/2 of my perscription was OP, new ones and been in big trouble ever since.Some call them Oxy Poison and I like Oxy Plastic's. This goes deeper than all of us . From Purdue loseing 640 million, the bad things that others do with these pills but it has given Purdue the chance to change the patent and put money for years back into their pockets. Endo the same thing with the Opana ER. But look closer into these Big Company's and you will see that they are buying up Ethex and other distributor along with other drug companies. Its all politics with money. I have been keeping a log everyday that I have gone through, even how my Pain Management Clinic has handled my case, all reciepts ,ALL. They were informed this was coming. It was expected. I need to say one other thing that Methadose caused me, to have really bad dreams and to think I had bugs on my person. For other people it seems to work, I quess, fine. I 'm still mad at the change, I liked feeling OK ,to face the day and I'm at ground zero, working back up`now and I 'm sick because 15mg for 6 hours does not work. I feel like Im being punished . This is not the way living creature are to be treated. I do hope something works for you and to all out there.

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There are no Generic Brand of te Oxycontin,Perdue has the patent rights for them. The way I undersatnd it no one can make a generic brand for at least 5 years. If Perdue changes the formula as they have the will continue to keep the market cornered! Othe Drug companies in the past would do a little change the formula of their Meds and call it NEW and IMPROVED this would keep other companies from being able to make a generic. As some stated it is all about the POLITICS and as long as the lobbiest are in D.C. and have certain people in their pockets we will continue to suffer. I am of the beleif that the people of the FDA are owned ny the big drug companies and why I say this is look at all the lawsuits that are going on with meds that were on the market and after 5 years or so people started to have problems ranging from high blood pressure and so many other health problems including death.So that is why you see these Lawyers advertising on TV for class action lawsuits! Not enough research on long term effects have been conducted. We can all sit here and complain,but unless this new formula starts to have bad side effects to a large group of people the FDA will do little about it. My Doc gave me some Percs for the break thru pain but I don't like to take them because of the build up in my liver over a period of time. So what is the answer? Does anyone know how to start something to get Perdue to listen? They thin we are Sheep and will just go along and go away after awhile! I hope that this is not true for the people here on this board.

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Im having more pain and getting sick from the new oxycontin 80. what can I do to get my old ones back.?

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I find in reading these posts that I too had all the side-effects from the new OP formula!! Couldn't function properly, MAJOR headache and nausea. I suffered for a solid month! My daughter is a pharmacist and I asked her what to do. She did a little research for me and found that the Ethex brand of oxycodone ER was still available and to my knowledge WILL remain available (in Bama). I got my PM Doc to write my script .. still for oxycotin but allowing me to get generics vs name brand only. I did as directed and went to Walgreens (the only pharmacy chain that I am aware of that still carries this brand) and Thank God they were able to fill my script with this generic form of oxy!! This was a true God Send for me. My headaches have subsided, the nausea has gone away and my quality of life is now increased back to normal. I'm here to tell you all that the OP crap is truly a killer. They are made up of 5% epoxy!! Have you ever purchased epoxy from the general store and read on it that it was OK to injest? I personally took a gander at the warnings on a package in the store and it says that if accidentally injested call the poison control center immediately and get to the ER. Is this what we are supposed to do when we injest our daily dose of this OP stuff? Pardue tried to get this patent OK'd in Canada and it did not meet their qualifications as being a medication that they would allow marketed in their country!! The carcenegins were too high. This within itself should tell us that we don't want to shoot ourselves in the foot and give ourselves (knowingly) cancer!! I, for one, don't want to. It's too simple to ask my Doc for the generic brand! WTF would I (we CPP's) do if they remove this brand from the market? Seems as if we have allowed the FDA/DEA too much control of our lives. Personally, I think both organizations are a waste of our tax paying dollars! They are controlling how our PM Docs or just Docs in general are allowed to treat their patients properly. I pray for each and every one of us who suffer daily due to this change of a perfectly good medication. They claim that they have re-formulated the medication because of the abusers. I DO NOT abuse my medication in NO way. Why do I have to suffer for the ones who do abuse theirs? Let them abuse it. I think that abuse of a well formulated medication versus the H word!! At least you know what you are getting when you purchase the Oxy's .. you don't know what you are getting when purchasing heroin off the street. I would NEVER do that but have friends who (if they can't get their meds properly) would be crazy enough to do that!! I say yes to a class action lawsuit simply due to the fact that us as consumers were NOT even informed of this change and spent our hard earned money on this BS!!

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where is Bama? here in California, around Napa,Santa Rosa, Ukiah, Sonoma area! I called Walgreen's and was told that all Walgreen's once these are all gone it will be Purdues OP's. Now do some looking and you will see that Purdue used Ethex to DISTRIBUTE their product not making them.Once the supplies are gone the new ones are the OP;s and Purdue has bought Ethex and by now are buying other companies. Along with ENDO Pharmacuticals are buying up companies( Endo has the Opana ER) So go to your doctor and try and get Oxycodone IR if they will give it to you and make sure you recieve the right amount of mg for the change . Mine didn't and Ive been so sick and feel like I'm punished for having them do what they don't want to do!! All pain management clinics knew this was coming. Don't let them tell you they had no knowledge. As I've said before in comments that I have a problem with ingrediants active or inactive And can really send my body in a world of hurt. My family members ar the same way but with different things. My Dad can die from Sulfate or fish from the ocean, poison oak is another bad threat from him. I now can't be stung, plastics and metals are not good for me, bellpepper or oranges which I love. And mostly I must watch what pills I take. no asprin and the list goes on. So please find out about how long Walgreens or ETHEX will have the original OC but have a back up plan in place with your doctor. My doctor went on vacation and left me with the PM doctor and he isn't going the right way for me in the dose change! So I see him this 15th and explain to him hes under dosing me and to many hours laps. 6 hours on 15mg IR is leaving me sick and in pain. 30 mg every 4-6 hours maybe. I havent tried or recieved but it makes sense to me . From 160mg a day to 60mg isn't responible doctoring and is more like I'm going to hurt you if you don't go away. If by the 15th he doesn't change to help my quaility of life I will change clinic and a bad report on him. I have never giving a bad urine test or cause them no one bit of trouble. So it shows something is really changing and were in their way but will weed us out from all those causing the large scale problem.
At least I hope this is the big picture. So soon I will know and hope to have my quailty of life back.

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Latest update on myself is filed a complaint with purdue for refund and a complaint with the fda. Hopefully everyone is doing this. Since being changed to ms contin because of the op i have no quality of life. OPs do not work for pain. I paid 1440.00 without being told of the switch, headaches, nausea and enough side effects to end up in the hospital. Allergic to an inactive ingredient. Lets all file complaints to show this change is not working. I am a cancer patient and taking oxycontin for 2 1/2 years helped me greatly. Thanks to the op's that is over and the morphine is such a strange drug.

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To Sea Says and all out there! All should put in the complaint I also did with the FDA MedWatch but not with Purdue. But will. Now can you get your doctor to try IR Oxycodone. Its Instant Release. without all the binders in it. It might help until something can be done.

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I need to find how to get my medicine oxycontin as soon as possible be for I go crazy please help.

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Please change the Oxycontin 80mg back the way it was. I have been taking these for so many years for chronic back pain. Since they have changed it I am in constant PAIN. Leave well enough alone.

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Hello Pigulla .. SO sorry that I just now got back to this board. I actually live about 45 min north of a town called Birmingham. I live FAR in the woods and LOVE it!! My closest neighbor is my Dad and he is about 10 acres across from me. Thank God that I don't have to live the city life!! I'm just an old country gal that loves her tractor and the land.
I will give you an update as far as that availability of the Ethix brand here in Bama World. I told you that my daughter is a pharmacist but she is actualy employed by the CVS chain. They are not contracted to Ethix to sell their brand of medication. She tried to order them for me and was told that only the Walgreen chain had the market on this particular brand. But she did inquire about the availability to the Walgreens chain and was told that 90% of the Walgreen stores in Bama would still be able to get the Ethix brand, at least through the beginning of 2011. I may be telling you a fib (not willfully) .. I think she told me that Ethix did not make a 50 or a 60 mg oxycontin but made all other mgs. She did call Purdue and let them know that she had numerous complaints and was losing all the oxycontin business because of this new formulation. She was informed that with the proper paper work that patients could still get the OC version. The way I understood her .. you have to get the paper work filled out by your physician stating that you are unable to take the OP brand and it has to be forwarded to Purdue Pharma and they will send your script (next day air) to your pharmacy. That was a relief to hear. Now .. the problem lies on your physicians shoulders .. to get them to fill out the paper work!! I have found this can take days. I pray that this will help you.
I DO NOT think that cutting your medication from 160 mg to 60 mgs per day was proper!! It would send my body into shock and I would end up in the ER or wouldn't be able to function as I spent an entire month on the sofa or in the bed due to the OP formula!! I had absolutely NO QUALITY OF LIFE!! It is a shame that we as CPP's have to suffer for those dumb a**es that want to abuse medications. I am ashamed to say this but it is actuality .. I actually considered hitting the streets myself .. in search of the OC formula. It took all that I had in me to control myself and DID NOT but I can't honestly say that it didn't cross my mind ... more than once!! Now that within itself says a lot for me because in my 50 years here on this earth .. I have NEVER done ANYTHING like that! Now that is pretty bad when you turn a model citizen into a drug seeker on the street! I think the OC's were more readily available on the street vs in the pharmacies. Thank You Government officials for making us suffer! Now that just sucks!! Sorry I am irate over this.
Please let me know how you come out today and again I appologize for not getting back with you sooner. I am praying for ya!! Hope you have a GREAT day!! Your Friend In Bama!

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I am prescribed 40 and 80 mg Oxycontin in addition to 30mg for breakthough. When I filled my prescriptions I got both 40mg OC and 80 mg OP. When I take 2 40mg OC tablets they work. Wheni take 80mg Op they don't! Also when I take the OP I get GERD and I burp up stuff in my mouth that then allows a little to get stuck in my throat I then notice a plem kind of buildup in my mouth and get crusty in the nose. I can deal with the side affects it the medication worked but as it is now my guess is it's going to take double dose to get pain relief! problem with that is the cost and added side affects. i think the medication is in the tablet the problem is getting it into the patient!! If we can't absorb the medication the way it is they are going to have to correct it. I read the test results they have posted at Pharma and doubt the results highly! It is taking a higher dose to get pain reilef NOT GOOD! And what is it with the taste and stomach aches??

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To Bamagirl....
So this paperwork you said needs to be filled out and submitted by our doctor, where do we get the forms from? Perdue?

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Oxycontin OP= bad medicine.
I have been taking 80mgx4/day for years. I have incurable pain. I am suffering new bloating, stomach pain, gas, and no pain relief from this new oxy op formulation. I have taken 4 ea. new 80mg oxy at one time and it does not work as well of one old OC80. I am afraid to take more at one time. Besides, side effects seem to follow dosage. They made new formula 80 op ineffective not only to Drug Addicts, but to Pain Patients as well.
Is there any equivalent to 4 ea. 80mg/day old formula Oxy OC?

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