Oxycontin 40 On One Side Op On The Other Side (Page 6) (Top voted first)


yellow round pill, writing on one side 40, OP on the other side

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hello,how I use oxycotin 40mg co quicker results?

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From a pharmacist mouth they will be making both OP oxycontin and OC. It will be up to the doctor which formula the patient will be recieving.

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Det :
I actually am I rehab counselor and see and hear this everyday. I do not use never have and never will cause I see the ways of the evil pills and blame the Dr for not doing a solid job as monitoring the use. I speak as I see fit to see...No person would complain about a drug that has the known side effects and addiction as OC's does that complains they do not work is your not addicted. If it walks like a duck and quacks as a duck - it a duck.... My education and years of working in the field and speak for the truth as your admitting on a website about a drug of addiction...

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